Luiz remained silent for some time.

"I want to divorce her mom.", he said breaking my heart again.

"Why Luiz? What is wrong with her? She is such a nice person."

I saw that they didn't notice my presence.

"Mom I hate her. I can never accept her in my life.", he said.

Finally, Caroline noticed me.

"I don't want the businesses.", I said.

"You just shut up. Don't act as if you don't want them.", Luiz shouted at me.

"You. You both are playing games against me. And you managed to change my mom also.", he said.

"For the last time Luiz, I never planned on it.", I replied.

He gave me a long stare and went upstairs.

"Caroline, may I know why did you offer me all that? I was trying to improve our relationship and it is spoilt more because you offered me all that.", I said after Luiz went to his room.

"You are my daughter in law Lara. I want you to have a social status and your own dignity.", she said.

"I don't want anything of this sort which makes me look like a gold digger.", I said.

"People will say so many things Lara never take it into consideration.", she said.

"I don't really care what others say or think about me. But what Luiz thinks about me, matters a lot to me."

"I shall explain him after few days. Just give it some time."

I was tired of listening to all this.

"How can I give it some time when he never leaves a chance to insult me. He never fails to make me realize that he hates me so much.", I said by fighting back my tears.

"It's a misunderstanding.", she said.

"What misunderstanding?", I asked.

"We shall discuss this tomorrow Lara.", she said.

"No, I want to know right now.", I said.

I really cannot handle all this anymore.

"Not now Lara. I shall invite Abilo tomorrow for lunch and we shall discuss all this. Now please go.", she said.

Hearing that my dad would come to meet me made me happy. I shall wait for the truth.

"Okay." saying that I left to the room.

Luiz was working in his laptop facing his back to me.

Not bothering him much, I went to lie down to sleep. But I was not able to sleep.

I remembered the first time I saw Luiz.

I gave the lunch box to Annie. I was asked to leave soon by the security over there because chief guest was about to arrive at the college.

I started walking fast. Suddenly my way was blocked by a guy.

Not again!!!

"Why are you running away?", Alex asked.

"Nothing. My work is done. I have to go.", I said trying to walk past him.

He held my hand.

"Lara please. Just one date.", he said.

"No Alex. I can't.", I quickly loosened my hand from his grip and ran away.

But when I was descending the steps I saw a huge car that came at the entrance.

A man dressed in black got down and opened the car of the back seat.

A man dressed in the grey suit stepped out.

It was Luiz Cardoso!!

My heart beat raced after seeing him for the first time.

He looked more handsome in person!

Hey my High Fliers!!

Please make me feel happy by clicking the star at the end of this chapter.


Love you all <3 XOXO

My First Love [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang