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AN: Give a round of applause to Hosting-My-Nightmare for some suggestions! Hope y'all enjoy this story :3

Anyolite walked around the barn, trying to get used to walking. "I've never fused with anyone before..." The Peridot side of Anyolite smiled. "I like being us." Peridots side said. They danced around to the melody from Peridots tablet. They hummed to the tune and pranced around happily. They stumbled a bit but got used to it. They didn't realize a small star child was watching. "Giant woman!" He grinned. Anyolite whipped their head around to see Steven. "I knew you two'd get together!" Steven bounced up to them. "Let's tell the others!" Steven grabbed one of Anyolites four hands and went to the temple. "Garnet! Pearl!" Steven called. Garnet was out on the beach and Pearl was in her room. "Yes Steven?" Pearl looked over at Steven, then at Anyolite. She looked at Anyolites gems. "Amethyst? Peridot?" Pearl had a look of confusion (fusion :3) on her face. "Uh Garnet? You should come see this!" Pearl called. Garnet walked in and stared at the fusion. Her jaw dropped as she walked over to them. "I knew you'd get together." She smiled. "That's what I said!" Steven spoke. Garnet placed her hands on Anyolites shoulders. "A perfect fusion." She said happily. "Are we able to stay like this?" Anyolite asked. "Of course you can. You can do whatever you want! You are an amazing fusion of two gems. You are not two anymore, you are an experience! Enjoy your time together." Garnet smiled. Anyolite talked with garnet until it became noon. They went back to the barn where they talked to themselves. "Man, I never thought you'd be my first fusion." She laughed. "Well, I live to disappoint." The Amethyst side of Anyolite said. "You're not disappointing! I think you're... sweet." Anyolite blushed. She started singing. "Life and death and love and birth, and peace and war on the planet earth. Is there anything that's worth more than peace and love on the planet earth?" She hummed to the tune. "Hey Peri?" The Amethyst side asked. "Yeah?" She replied. "I wanna stay like this. Can we stay fused for a little longer?" She asked. Anyolite smiled. "Of course we can." She hugged herself as she danced to the beat of the song. She thought about what garnet said. "I am not two people. I am an experience." She stood up. "Let's enjoy this!" She smiled. She jumped around and danced. She went to the Big Donut, which luckily Dewey was working at. Dewey stared at Anyolite for a few seconds before saying. "Uh. What would you like?" She looked at the donuts and ordered a Green and Purple donut (Cliche, I know.) and left with the donuts. She went back to the barn and tried to find out how to eat. She mashed the two donuts together and ate them whole. She danced and jumped around until she fell over, laughing. She sighed and stared up at the sky. It was almost dusk. "I'd kill to stay like this forever." She sighed and smiled up at the forming stars.  She thought about Pearls reaction and laughed. She thought about how excited Steven was when he saw them. She wouldn't remind herself what Homeworld would think. She felt her two gems. She got up and summoned Amethysts whip. (Ima just say Peri has those lil robot things as her weapon) And summoned Peridots robot. They formed a small mint colored wrecking ball. She squealed in excitement and threw it towards some corn stalks (WHATS THE POINT OF CORN). They fell over. Anyolite jumped up and down in excitement and used the wrecking ball on more stalks of corn. "Ohohoho my stars! This is awesome!!" She squealed. She made her weapon disappear and sat down. She stared up at the starry sky. She sighed. "I love you." "I love you too."

AN: 655 words! YEE! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and make sure to thank the amazing Hosting-My-Nightmare for the plot! Love y'all and hope you have a great day! :3

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