Chapter 2

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It's funny isn't it. It's funny how one day you could have everything in the world, then one day you could have nothing at all.
My eyes watched the rain viciously hit the pavement, and I closed my eyes as I wrapped my fragile body in my arms, trying to find some sanity but all I could feel is him all over my body. His lips, his hands, his fists. My hands slammed down besides me as I just wanted to forget, I just wanted the images to go away! I just wanted to disappear. Broken. That's what I was. I was finally broken and I couldn't do a fucking thing about it! No one could. My hands grasped the ends of my hair as I pulled at them, trying to find a release for all the pent up emotions inside me. How could I let him do that to us, to me. How could I let this get to me!

I suddenly found myself heading towards the bathroom, hissing in pain as I walked towards the mirror. Who even was I? The person that was staring at me in the mirror wasn't even me, I can't recognise myself anymore, I just look like a stranger. The real me was long gone, and I don't think she will be ever coming back. My hands ran over my face as I leaned over the sink, as I observed myself, touching my skin, I was covered in bruises from head to toe, the worse one on my head where he slammed me against the wall, dried blood still laid thick on my skin.

I felt disgusted with myself, my own mothers fiancee is attracted to me. My hands furiously rubbed at my skin trying to get rid of the feeling of him rubbing against my skin, but I just couldn't, it was lodged in my brain like a permanent memory, and I'm not sure if I could ever get over it.

"Just get off me! Just stop, just stop..." I cried out collapsing onto the floor in the bathroom, rocking backwards and forwards. My throat closed up and I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think of anything but that smirk he wore, the punches, the kisses on my neck, everything just needed to go away! I just needed to forget.

Pulling myself up using the sink I made my way to the shower, hoping I could scrub the feeling off my body. My hands removed the items of clothing that I wore as they dropped to the floor my face turned up in disgust as my eyes hovered over my body in the mirror. Not only did I dislike my body before this happened, it now turned into hate as my eyes travelled up and down my form. My eyes clenched shut as I tried to force the tears away, my throat closing up as I found it hard to look at myself anymore. Come on, you are stronger than this, you can fight the pain. Just forget it! I stepped into the shower allowing the warm water to cascade down my body, my head tilting up as i let the water run down my face, my hands brushed my hair back into my hands as I stared down at the blood mixing with the water in the bath. It was just like a murder scene, and if I didn't do something about him surely someone would end up dead...but I just can't, I couldn't find the strength to report him. What would people think? Oh she's just a 17 year old girl, nothing happened to her, she's just begging for some attention. But I wasn't! I didn't want attention! I just wanted to get on with my life, I just wanted to forget the bad things, let everything go back to how it was, I just wanted to protect my mum.

My body felt itself sinking as I slid down the shower wall, finally letting the tears escape my eyes, my head laying back on the wall as I just sat there, letting the pain take over.

Saturday Morning

Dragging myself out of bed the next morning at 10 was agony, the pain making me hiss as I walked across my bedroom to get my clothes ready for work picking some maroon pants, a long sleeved black top, and some black heels. I took a deep breath thinking about last night. My mind remembered how his hands touched me, causing a lump to appear in my throat, a sigh leaving my mouth as I appeared in front of the mirror the bruises still on my face, deep and purple. How the hell was I going to cover this up? I don't even wear a lot of make up in the first place, my hands rested against the sink, as I rocked backwards and forwards on my heels. Just brush your teeth, put some make up on, get your bag, visit your mum and get to work. Stop over thinking it, forget about it! Just grow up! I grabbed my tooth brush, brushed my teeth quickly and ran into the room collecting my make up but before I had the chance to start covering my face my phone rang.

It was my best friend Hailee. I picked it up mustering the most convincing voice I could get.

"Hey Hails" Addressing her in a cheerful voice as I started to applying concealer to my face.

"Hey Sabby" I laughed at her nickname causing me to smile a real smile for the first time in the past couple of days.

"What time do you get off work today?"

"Nine, unless they ask me to go over. Why?" I asked while blending the concealer onto the bruise on my face as I picked up my eye shadow brush collecting a  purple/maroon colour onto the fluffy brush.

"Did you forget? It's Hayden's house party tonight."

"Oh Fuck!" I shouted a groan coming from my lips. "I totally forgot Hails!" My hands moved swiftly as I blended the eyeshadow onto my eye lids.

She laughed "It's okay. What are you wearing to work anyway?"

"Just some maroon pants with a long sleeved top and heels. It looks pretty fancy. Plus I'm wearing make up." I started applying foundation to my face and began blending it in. So far so good, I smiled happy that I was able to cover the bruises on my face.

"Oh that should be fine then gorgeous! Just freshen up after work."  My face was nearly done all I had to do was finish blending my foundation, add lipstick and mascara.

"True. What time are you getting there?"

"Probably around nine I think. But the guys are thinking off going out for  a meal before anyway. Something to do with this new guy in town." I laughed at that, them boys always managed to make new friends.

"Literally have no clue how they do it Hails." It was silent, making me think she hung up on me. "Hails"

"Sorry hun. Jake just had an awesome idea." I could hear her smirking across the phone which made me suspicious. 

"What awesome idea is he talking about?" I lifted my eyebrows up as I finished blending my foundation in, and started applying some nude lipstick to my lips. 

"Well." She hesitated. "I've just seen a picture of this new guy and if I wasn't with Jake god I would totally fuck him!" I starting laughing.

"Jesus christ. Do you want to calm down!"

"No! You should see his abs, oh and fuck me his brown hair and eyes, I could just run my hands through it all day. Oh my god his smile, he's making me wet just looking-"

"Hails!" I interrupted her laughing whilst attempting to do my mascara. "Just get to the plan."

"Oh right, sorry. Well I was talking to Jake about him and we found out that he's music mad, like he can play nearly every instrument, he writes songs, and his voice is perfect. Sooooo..."

"So what?" My hands put my hair into a ponytail, leaving some bits hanging down to frame my face.

"So we thought, you guys have got a lot in common. So why not try set you up." That stopped me getting ready.

"What? Why?" She sighed knowing that I was getting defensive about it. One thing about me is I don't get involved with guys, not since I got cheated on.

"You deserve a guy who's gonna look after you babe, and will treat you like you should be. Not all guys are like Dom. Now I'm gonna leave you to get ready for work, but I'll see you soon Sabby. Please try, for me. I just want to see you happy."

"Bye Hails." I sighed hanging up. I looked at myself in the mirror, I signed. Guess it's time to go.

6 hours later
It was time for me to come off my break and as I walked out of the back room it began to

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