Chapter 1

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Sammie Pov
"Mum. What's wrong?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing hun...I urm...just go to your room and get your homework done."

"Okay mum bye." A faint bye was heard as I started walking towards the door, until I stopped abruptly turning around to hear her sobbing. The tears almost echoing through the room, the sounds piercing my ears as she rocked backwards and forwards, cradling her head and legs in her arms. My eyes hovered over her, but I could only see the back of her.

"Mum, you must be stupid to think I would leave you in this state." No answer. "Mum...What's wrong? Tell me?" My eyes followed her hands as she rubbed at her face viciously shaking her head.

"Nothings wrong. I promise." That's it, I couldn't take it.

"Mum I know that's a-" I gasped my hands flying to my mouth. Her face was covered in deep dark bruises, hints of purple swirling through telling me that they were fresh, her lip was cut, and a little bit of blood was still staining her bottom lip, her nose was dripping with blood, and some of her forehead was scratched. But worst of all, patches of her hair were missing almost like they had been ripped out by someone. No matter how much I tried to speak nothing would dare come out as my hands clenched together as I saw the blood covering the floor infront of her. My heart was hammering in my chest. I had no fucking idea how to react, I was angry, pissed off, petrified. God I  didn't know how to feel when I looked at the state of my mother who was now crumbling apart in front of me.

I ran over to her kneeling down with urgently. "What the fuck happened mum?" I choked out as she wrapped her hands around my back as she collapsed into my chest sobbing, the tears dripping onto my top not only from her but me too. My hands caressed her back as I tried to swallow the lump in the back of my throat. "Mum? What happened? You need to tell me? This is serious-"

"It was Michael." She interrupted me as she cried out, the tears still falling out of her blood shot eyes. Michael was my mum's boyfriend of 2 years,  but they now decided to get engaged after my dad died of cancer and my mum was devastated and so lonely. She claimed that he was the only way to solve her emptiness inside. When I first heard about Michael I flipped, he wasn't going to replace my dad and he still isn't, he will never come close. But this is unbelievable and I couldn't wait to fucking get my hands on him, how dare he walk straight into this family, and then feel like he had the right to bloody beat my mum up, she was fragile enough after my dad's death...and she needed to get away from here. My heart dropped, she trusted him, even I was starting to trust him, he was gaining my support and that was taken advantage of. For someone to betray our trust after years is frightening, if someone who loved you can do that to you. Who else?

"Mum I'm gonna go clean you up, and then I'm gonna get a hotel room for you, they is no way your staying here tonight not with him anyway." I helped her up, and she stumbled but my arms wrapped around her waist as we walked up the stairs together towards the bathroom, as I grabbed the medical stuff from the drawers in the bathroom she began to speak again.

"Sabrina." She whispered as I knelt down in front of her.


"What did I do to deserve such a beautiful, amazing daughter like you?" I paused wiping her face, as her hands wrapped around mine pulling me into an embrace.

" and dad were the ones to bring me up, you guys were my inspiration and mum you still are. It doesn't matter that he isn't here physically with us because-" I paused. And pointed to our hearts and our heads. "He's still in our hearts and memories which means we can still do anything. And that's why I look up to you because you carried on. You didn't stop. You showed me how to be strong, independent. You never gave up and you still gave me everything even though we had pretty much lost everything when dad died." I hugged her again. "No one is going to mistreat you again mum. You don't deserve it after all you have been through. Now let me get you cleaned up and out of here into a safe place." I washed the blood of her face and put some cream on after to help with the heeling of the cuts, and the bruises. My hands collected her hair and I tied it up into a messy bun to hide the missing chunks of hair.

A Little Too Much- Shawn Mendes Fanfic Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя