Patience and Process

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The sound of Izuku's alarm was indeed annoying, repetitive, persistent, and any other annoying synonyms that went along with the beeping digital clock. It was indeed morning from the bright light that crept through the blinds hitting the young child's eyes.

"Urgmm" a noticeable groan of annoyance and grogginess came from the small child. The boy pushed himself up off of the mattress and removed from the protection of the sheets to look at the once beeping alarm clock. A noticeable hand with scars had press upon the clock causing it to stop its continual beeping.

With the constant noise halted until the next day, Kota turned over to the side and fell back to sleep... well that was the plan anyway.

The black haired boy could hear some shuffling and movement on Izuku's bed which was underneath his own. He could hear the teen yawn a bit before getting some stuff out of his cabinet. Yet again the child did not want to pay any mind to Izuku as all he wanted was to sleep.

After the cabinet closes, footsteps were approaching the bunk bed and some steps can be heard as the sound of cold metal ladder steps made contact with skin of bear feet. Up a few more steps Izuku peeked at the child deciding if he should wake up the boy.

To Izuku waking up early became a routine for him as he wanted to get the morning business done before he had to go to class. Although today was different, he had a child to look after during his school hours. To Izuku's dismay he became familiar to the hardships and difficulties of first days. Though it wasn't just himself, the boy must be feeling the same with the added separation from his aunt and the Pussycats.

Izuku thought for a couple more minutes, he couldn't leave Kouta alone in the room by himself while he was showering and getting ready for class because the wouldn't be time if he came back to the room and get Kouta to wash up then get ready himself. Then there was breakfast, Izuku did not know what the boy's favorable meals were since it was still awkward between him and the child.

It was more a stranger and stranger between Izuku and Kota. Both boys knew it even though Izuku did save Kota a few weeks ago. Kota still saw Izuku as his hero but more than anything he was just another stranger. The two did not ever hold any real conversation or any small talk for that matter so there was no real 'get to know each other' moment at all.

Although that did not stop the possibility of becoming friends with the child. Izuku shook his head to get rid of those mindful thoughts and focus on the present moment. Waking up the child was the action Izuku acted on.

Izuku reached a hand over the the sheets to Kouta's shoulder. By grasping the boy, Izuku began waking up the boy with slow moment on Kouta's shoulder while saying "Kota wake up."

After a few shakes, the boy reluctantly turn over and face Izuku with a annoyed look on his face like the time from their first interaction which lead Izuku getting deck in the Johnson. This small hint of nostalgia made Izuku retracted his hand away from the boy with a small fear of getting hit in the same sensitive area that fell victim to the child's bear hands.

Kota was confused at the teens display. "Good Morning Kota." He heard the teen greeted with a smile causing the boy to look down at his covers. "Morning." Kota said without looking at the boy.

It was weird, unbearably weird to Kota. He could talk to adults with losing his glare but here he was struggling to lift his head in front of the teen. Maybe it was the fact that this same teen battered his own body and risking his life while protecting Kota from the same villain that killed the child's parents. Maybe it was the fact that Izuku changed Kota's perspectives on heroes... somewhat.

Although that possibility did not help the silent awkwardness between the two boys.

"I-It's time to get ready." Izuku stated with a slight stutter in his voice as he waited for the child to uncover himself with the bed sheets. Izuku climb down the short latter and made his way to the exit of the dorm room.

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