Me and my dad are in my room, I was on my bed while dad is on the stool with the packet of 'stars' on his left hand and the metal stick that has the one of the 'stars' at the point on the other.

"Put it there!"

As I point my finger at the little space I spot.

He pins the star at the space where I pointed. He looked at me and smile.

"Any spaces you want to put the stars at?"

I nodded and point at the space as he pins another star. Then, the stool started to shake and he was about to fall. I shriek and cover my eyes. After a few second I didn't hear any thump from the fall just laugher, when I open my eyes, I only see my dad STILL STANDING on the stool laughing. I pout.


He continue laughing and when my mother enter my bedroom with Garroth and Vlyad.

"What's with the ruckus over here?"

"Dad tricked me from falling. Again, I was scared that I was about to have a heart attack!"

Mom looked at him with the positive and happy 'Are you serious?' face while Garroth and Vlyad were SERIOUSLY worried.



"Honey...Are you serious right now?"

He nervously smile while scratching at the back of the head with his free hand.

"Hehe I don't kno-....But Hey! Atleast I put the stars on the ceiling. Look."

Me and my brothers look up from the ceiling while my mom sigh and smile at his excuse.



At night, Apparently my brothers want to sleep with me because of the stars on the ceiling. And probrably because I exclaim that I was about to have a heart attack. When mom tucked us in, she goes towards the door and switch the light off. Then, I look up and see the 'stars' glowing. The 3 of us gasp and our eyes were wide, excited from seeing the stars glowing in my room.




Mom giggled and told us goodnight as she shut the door close.

Me and my brothers still can't sleep because of the glowing stars on my bedroom ceiling. Then both of my brother grow tired and asleep leaving me still awake, looking at my dotted ceiling smiling.


"Then after a few days, My mom got me books about the stars, a star map and my pops got me a telescope for star gazing when it's my birthday."

"Are you still in touch with them like did they still visit or call you?"

"Well, I mean, they have small visit and mostly call but yeah were still in touch, just not that often."

"So your parents must have care about you and your brothers even after small contact."

"Well, you know, they have been there for you so yeah. What about your parents?"

"Well... me and my parents always visit like a lot of places heck we even went to New York,Japan and the Philippines."

"Oh I heard that the Philippines has great beach resort."

"Yup, we visit alot. And mom always makes like this good Mac n' Cheese, blueberry pancakes and spaghetti with shit load of oregon."

"Oh that kind of spaghetti is seriously fucking delicious."

"Yeah,And when I reach Highschool I only live with Slushies it kind of makes me feel better, I mean, I eat other food and drink but mostly slushies."

"Does your mom knows that you drink that crap?"

"Well......not anymore. When mom was alive we live half way normal like full on normal. Then, when she...passed away.. I learn to cook pasta and learn to pay rent which is like the most difficult thing but thanks to the calculator it's better."

"Oh.. Im so sorry."

"Hey like I said, it's fine. Im getting better after the attack and because of today with Dante's late lunch and early dinner aka bathbomb, im in tip top shape for that hahaha."

I sat up looking at him, smiling as the cool wind blows softly.

"Well if your getting better, Im glad."

He sat up a bit and was staring at me for a solid 1 minute. I was getting a little bit nervous why he's staring, then I realize that my mask fallen off revealing my face.

'Fuck.' I thought,as I pulled my mask on.

"Let's get inside with the others to get some sleep."

"Sure right behind you."

I stood up and turn towards the house and walk to the grass up to the porch. Then held the sliding door hand and slid it open,entering the house leaving it open for Travis to head inside.

Travis POV

I stare at him as he enter the house, leaving me on the ground thinking. When his mask fell off revealing his face. Freckles scattered his face, reminding me of the constellations he has told me. And his lip which has a color of baby pink puckered up, his raven hair flowing as the wind blows a bit and the moon light shines on him, giving his skin a small glow. A thought has come up in my head.

Zane Ro'meave.

He's the guy that Im kinda be into....



Ayiiieee! For some reason I like writing night time scene than day time scene.. No shame on BMC,DEH reference. I NEED to watch the Final movie of Resident Evil. Im still crying over Connor even though he is dead and fictional. My son is a homosexual. I LOVE MY DEAD GAY SON.

Cold - A Zanvis ffWhere stories live. Discover now