"Hey! She's on me!" The man screams, trying to toss me off.

Bullets fly out of the gun, first only making cracks in the glass but eventually shattering it. The glass of the cage rains down over us. It's like the weight of the world is lifted off of me, and I can finally breathe again.

My wounds start healing instantly, I can feel the aches and pains subsiding. My powers are back. I jump off of the man and push myself into the air, flying above the chaos as everyone runs around shouting and searching for signs of me. I stay invisible and fly towards the exit doors.

Before I leave, I turn around and send out a monster wave of magnetism that sends sparks flying and computers tumbling. I just fried their entire computer system down here. Good luck finding those notes they took about me as they were torturing me.

I see that the exit door is sealed shut and the alarm is blaring, and I smile to myself. Nice try. I blast open the doors with the wave of my hand, flying above people's heads and knocking guns out of their hands left and right.

A stampede of officers run towards me, so I slip down a side hallway and into what looks like some kind of break room, with tables and a little kitchen. Two scientists sit at the table in the corner. I stay quiet so I don't alert them of my presence.

"Well that's what Connors gets for trying to steal the substance from his own lab. I mean, really, a hijacking in broad daylight? Give me a break." One of them scoffs to the other, and they both laugh.

I stop in my tracks to listen. If what he just said is true, Mr. Connors was responsible for the hijacking all along. He staged it. And then blamed me for trying to help.

"Do you think they still want to steal and sell it? I heard Russia is offering in the billions for an ounce." The other scientist, a younger woman with pretty blonde hair, says to her male counterpart.

"Oh no. After seeing what it turned that girl into, this stuff will make armies of super-soldiers and weapons beyond America's wildest dreams. We'll rule the whole damn world." The man tells her.

"America will rule, or Connors and his lab rats will?" The girl snickers.

"Maybe both." The man laughs.

I think I've heard all I need to hear. Connors is a fraud, and he wanted to drain my blood for weapons. I feel sick.

I leave the room once I see a clear path down the hallway, and I fly as fast as I can. I see a bright red sign reading EXIT down the end of one side hallway, and bright morning light shining through its window.

I fly down the hallway and blast open the doors again, but what I see stops me in my tracks. Dylan. He stands outside of the door, gun raised and pointed at the doorway.

"Enough!" He screams angrily, "Enough of this Cassidy! Show yourself!"

I don't move. I'm not sure if I even breathe. My Dylan. My Dylan with a gun raised at my head.

I don't know how this happened to us. We've certainly fallen far. He's now standing here threatening me with a gun, when a few weeks ago the worst thing he ever did to me was forget to invite me over for dinner. Or love someone else.

"If you don't show yourself in five seconds, I'm going to start shooting. Everywhere." He says, eyes scanning the doorway for me because even though he can't see me he knows I'm still there. He knows I could never just leave him.

"You would really shoot me Dylan?" I ask, still not going visible.

He pauses for a few seconds.

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