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My eyes are fixed on the tv, as my fingers fumble over the game controler I hold in my hand. Grunts fall from my mouth as I stumble in the game, shouts coming from my best friend Michael beside me. We were playing his favorite game, FIFA, he was ridiculously good at it. I however am not. Michael and I had been best friends for at least four years now, we met in year six of school, instantly becoming friends. As we got older I was almost sure we would drift, especially since he's now in a band, 5 Seconds of Summer. But to my surprise even when we were both busy with life he always made time for me, which of course lead to everyone thinking we were an item. He's a total catch, I do admit, but he's more like a brother to me. He's been here for me for as long as I can remember, I'm not sure what I'd do without him. 

More shouts erupt from his mouth as his player passes me, taking the ball from my feet and heading towards his goal. Quickly, I turn my player around as I try to catch up to him as he weaves through my team mates and with a solid kick he scores, jumping to his feet in sweet victory.

"YOU JUST GOT BURNED, RILEY!" he shouts in my face, a sloppy grin plastered on his face.

"That's so unfair, I had the ball!" I shout, trying to fight a smile.

"Well you should've kept it then" he sings like a five year old, sticking his tongue out.

"How old are you?" I scoff.

"I could ask you the same thing" he retorts. I roll my eyes as I put the controller on the end table, pulling my knees to my chest as I rest back on the couch. 

"So how's rehearsels going?" I ask as he falls back onto the couch.

"Good, the new single sounds so sick live." He beams. I had always loved how much Michael was into his music. The simple mention of his band made him giddy like a kid on Christmas morning. 

"That's so awesome, I can't wait to hear it" I smile, but he frowns. "What?"

"I really hope you get to come see a show, or go on tour with us.." he sighs as he puts a hand in his hair, gripping at the roots. 

"You know I want to, but I can't just go without it being okayed with the crew. Especially Liz, she's not gonna just let me stay with you guys."

"She's really cool though, I'm sure Luke could talk to her." Luke is the lead singer of the band, he also plays guitar. Liz is his mom, since he's only seventeen he has to have a guardian with him whilst touring.

"No, I don't want that pressure on Luke. Plus I don't wanna invade on your guy time." The band consisted of four guys; Michael, who also plays guitar with Luke. Calum who plays bass, and Ashton on the drums. I had only met them a handfull of times, but they were the sweetest guys ever.

"There's no pressure, Luke and the boys like you. I'm sure it'd work out." I love how much he wants me, his best friend in the world, to come on tour with them. But I also feel like i'd just be in the way, even though I wanna go so badly to support him and the boys.

"You've already asked management, so we just have to see what they say" I sigh, shrugging as he falls back onto the couch.

"The last tour just sucked without you, time zones suck" he says through his teeth. I lay my head on his shoulder as I hug his arm.

"I know" I whisper softly, "I know." We sit there in silence for awhile, nothing but our breathes filling the air. Michaels phone vibrates on the table, buzzing as it scoots across the glass surface. I pull away from his arm as he leans down to get it.

"Hello?" He answers. I can't hear what the other persons saying, so I focus on his facial expressions. His eyes grow big with excitement, clearly liking what they have to say, but after a moment his face drops. Eyes drooping as he looks to the ground, I sit up. "Oh" he says softly, mumbling into the phone. "I understand....yeah. Thanks for calling" he ends the call, throwing his phone on the other end of the couch.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"That was management" he huffs, collasping on the couch letting out a loud sigh.

"I can't go on tour with you can I?" I ask softly, knowing the answer but still not wanting to hear it. My answer is confirmed when he shakes his head, turning away from me. 

I should've known they weren't going to let a girl go on tour with a bus full of boys. But I want to go, I want to support my best friend. I don't know if I can take this, before I can even speak tears fill my eyes, threating to spill over my cheeks. I huff, trying to fight back the tears.

"Are you crying? Oh no Riley, I was only kidding! They said you can go!" He says with excitement, my face going blank.

"What?" he better not be lying.

"I was messing with you, management said yes!" He grins.

"MICHAEL CLIFFORD!" I shout, slapping his arms repeatedly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He shouts in defense, covering his face.

"You little shit! You scared me, I can't believe you!" I take one of my couch pillows, knocking him upside the head.

"What you wanted to come that badly?" He asks, almost surprised. I stop mid hit, and find his eyes.

"Of course I did, I wanna support you. Not stay home and wait for my best friend" I laugh.

"Well now you don't have to. You get to come with me!" He shouts the last words picking me up from the couch.

"MICHAEL! MICHAEL! PUT ME DOWN!" I shout, but it's useless.



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