Jin nods in return, after about 30 seconds, it hit me

"Classes!" i almost yell

"Calm down" Jin said laughing "I told them you were here"

And as in them, he probably meant the teachers

I look at the clock and i reads 1:30, was i passed out for THAT long

"Thank you for helping me Jin" i say getting up and picking up my stuff

As i was about to be out the door i feel a hand on my arm

"What is it" i ask him

He look's as if he's about to cry

"Jin what's wrong" i ask

"If you ever feel like hurting your self again then come and talk to me, please" was all Jin said before walking out

I was frozen in place, i couldn't move, he know's, he saw, and i'm hoping he won't tell

Jin seem's trustworthy, he also looks like a really good person

But he also looks like the person that would 'do the right thing' and tell my parents


After about 5 minutes of just standing i turn and start heading to my next class and couldn't help but stop in the bathroom and looks at the slap mark

Thank god it was already gone, i don't need ANYONE knowing

My eye's traveled down to my neck, remembering how he bit me 

But thank god i was wearing a sweater, one a little to big for me, so it covered my neck perfectly 

But when i pulled it down, i cringed, seeing the dried up blood still there

I sigh, deciding that i should just keep it covered

I look at my phone and see i have 32 missed text's from Kookie and 78 from Tae

"....son of a-"

"I promise i'm ok" i say for the 100th time

"You passed out in the bathroom Jimin" Tae said

We were currently walking home and the boys wouldn't get over the fact i was 'light headed' in the bathroom

"It happens to everyone" i say, getting a little annoyed

"It does happen to a lot of people, but Jimin, you were passed out for hours" Kookie said

"J-jimin, your not starving again yourself again...right?" Tae asked, eye's getting glossy

I shake me head, sighing at the memories of my endless puking and never eating

It was hell, but it was one hell of away to loose weight

And i regret nothing 

"No" was all i said, hoping he would let this pass

I walk in my house to smell meatloaf cooking

Walking into the living room to see my dad and brother sitting and watching T.V, while my mom was setting the table for dinner

So being the good person i am, i decided to pitch in and help her out

After we were getting seated at the table my mom asked if i could go get Yoongi


I walk up to my- our room and see him sleeping


Slowly walking in, i tip toe to his bed, looking down at the sleeping beauty before me 

"Yoongi wake up" i say shaking him, snapping myself out of my own thoughts 

He wouldn't budge

I sigh, looking down at him

Yoongi is so peaceful and beautiful while sleeping, he's cold but warm at the same time, if you know what i mean

He has a resting bitch face when he's awake, but a angel like aura when he's asleep, i couldn't help but stare at his beautiful pink lips, the way he moves around i  his slee-

Wait Jimin, stop, this is wrong, i'm here to wake Yoongi up, not fantasize

"Yoongi" i cooed, seeing if it would work

I start to stand up and leave but felt an arm around my wrist

In one swift motion, Yoongi pulls me down and puts his arm around my waist, snuggling into my lap

For some odd reason i'm not freaking out, i feel..safe, like everything bad is gone

As i try to move i hear Yoongi mumble something that almost made my heart break

"Please don't leave me like everyone else does"


oh shit 

𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 / 𝐩𝐣𝐦 + 𝐦𝐲𝐠Where stories live. Discover now