It's Saturday Night

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Rose's P.O.V.

I whipped my head around as I realized I was trapped between Katie and the brick wall of a basement. 

Oh you have got to be kidding me! I thought to myself and looked at Loki to see if he somehow had a plan. He only gave me a blank look and I realized we were going to have to fight our way out. 

Tired of waiting, Katie launched herself at me and landed a punch squarely on my nose. I kicked her in her knee cap and headbutted her.

Loki summoned a dagger to his hand and threw it at Katie's leg, and it landed on its target. She then sent her shadow to attack me knowing the two against one would never work in her favor.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" I shrieked and I ran up the stairs not knowing how to fight a shadow because S.H.I.E.L.D. does not train people to fight shadows.

I ran as quickly as could and before I knew it I was on top of the building. I searched frantically for an escape but there were only windows around me, and the one entrance that the shadow was now creeping through.

I looked at the windows to see if anyone could see me but it looked like all S.H.I.E.L.D. personal were on the ground trying to fight off some army of creatures made of fire. 

Does New York City even have a fire department big enough for this? I thought trying to distract myself from the fact that no one was coming to save me this time. Oh wait I could just-

My thoughts were cut off as I was pushed out of a large window and the glass shattered as a fell down the skyscraper to my death. 

"THANKS DUMMY!" I shouted at the shadow as a flipped to face the ground and let my wings come out which was my plan in the first place.

I flew upwards and back into the building and grabbed the shadow and broke another window and threw it out the newly shattered window. I looked over the edge to make sure the shadow splattered on the pavement below. Well, it's definitely not getting back up. My shoulders heaved as I tried to catch my breath when I heard a gunshot some floors below me. 

There is no way in Hel am I going to do the stairs again to go towards the nut-job with a gun. Screw this, I'm taking the elevator. I monologue to myself as I go to the elevator and sit down and press every button so I can prolong my rest time and make sure I don't miss the floor with the gunman, or woman since it was probably the murderous cow who was almost my stepmom. 

After three floors a fire creature steps in equally exhausted. I look at it and it looks at me. 

"Should... should we be fighting?" I ask unsure of what to do. The only response I receive is a shrug from this thing. 

"Do you know what floor Loki is on? I'm pretty sure the gunshots are around him." 

It points to the 15th floor which was ten away. 

"Thank you." I say as it too slumps to the floor from exhaustion. No one ever thinks of this when there's a cool fight going on. Hopefully the property damage bills won't come out of college fund. 

"So, what's you're name?" I ask since this creature didn't seem to be a threat. I watched intently as it burned some runes into the floor of the elevator. 

"Ummm... Sorry I can't read runes. I can barely read Spanish. Do you know the English alphabet?" I ask still trying to put a name to this beings... face? Flame...?

It wrote out the name Ava under the runes. 

"Ava huh? Nice to meet you. I'm Rose." I respond and shake the beings hand, somehow it didn't burn me. Must be something to do with me being half frost giant. 

The elevator dings open and I wave goodbye to the surprisingly kind fire creature named Ava, and get back into the fight as I spot Loki. I rush over to help him and I see he already has some bruises, a cut on his cheek, and bleeding gunshot wound on his shoulder. 

He's standing and fighting Katie. Don't get involved, he's a god, he'll be okay. Focus on getting civilians out of the building. 

I rush to clear a safe path for the survivors to escape down the fire escape as the battled waged behind me. I had already killed the shadow, that's enough blood on my hands for one day. I knocked out any more of the fire creature... things that tried to stop the civilians from leaving. By the time I had gotten everyone out Loki was limping out of the front door holding something.

It was Katie's head. 

My jaw dropped. She was really dead. I looked at Loki.

"Put that thing down!! I think I'm going to puke..." I shiver in disgust over the severed head.

He only rolled his eyes and chuckled as he threw the head off to a near by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent as he ran to hug me. 

"Thank Valhalla you're alright, Luna." He smiled in relief as he hugged me. 

I smiled and hugged back happily... until I saw a certain amber eyed pale boy coming over. Then I shoved him off and quickly tried to look cool.

"H-hey Nuada." I stuttered as I saw my dad come around the corner and stand next to Loki. They were both staring intently as I made a fool of myself in front of the boy. ABORT MISSION! CODE RED! CRUSH IS HERE AS ARE MY FATHERS!! ABORT ABORT I REPEAT ABORT!!

"Hello Rose. Are you alright?" He smiled and he looked even cuter this close up. Oh my gosh, why is he so close? If I moved any closer to him we'd be kissing!

"Yeah, I'm okay. Only a bloody nose and got thrown out of window. Average Saturday night for me." I chuckle in an attempt to keep myself calm. "I'm surprised S.H.I.E.L.D. called the bureau."

"They didn't. Your father did. When I heard you were in trouble I came as soon as I could. I did not even wait for the call to finish." He explained as he blushed.

"R-really? Why?"

"BECAUSE HE LIKES YOU AND YOU LIKE HIM NOW KISS!!" Ashley screamed at us from behind my dad and Loki. 

I blushed horribly and prayed to whatever god would listen to kill me then and there. I peeked a look at my dads and my dad had this smile on to say he approved. Loki on the other hand was inching his hand towards a dagger as if to threaten Nuada away from me.

I closed my eyes and looked at Nuada in shame to see he was even closer than before and he kissed me. 

"I'M NOT READY TO GIVE HER UP YET!" I heard Loki shout as he threw the dagger but it caught because no way in heck am I letting him ruin my first kiss. 

If life was always this adventurous, then maybe I could handle being Loki's daughter. 


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