A team? Maybe not

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Rose's pov

I came running in to Bruce's lab on Tuesday. I was so excited to tell someone the good news.

"Bruce! Are you here?" I turned around looking all ocer the lab. Wait, it's Tuesday. Bruce isn't here on Tuesdays! Ugh!!!

"Rose? You look excited and sad at the same time. What is it?" I heard Natilie from behind me. I whipped around and held my hand over heart. I swear, I didn't even hear her come in.

"Remind me to put a bell on you. You really need to make a sound or something! I was looking for Bruce. I need to tell him some good news. Well, good news for me at least." I replied, I could hear the boredom in my voice. I don't trust her. Nobody that perky is good news.

"Oh. Is it about that mission you got to go to Russia to stop the undercover missile attack that's going to be launched by terriosts from who knows where? It's all over S.H.I.E.L.D. So, who you bringing for back up?" Natilie asked simpily. See what I mean.

"I haven't decided yet. When I decide you'll be the first to tell." I lied while smiling. No way was I telling her. If I complete this mission, then that's it. I'm an offical agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. If I fail, then they'll have to call up Agents Barrton, Agent Hill, and Agent Romanoff. People who shouldn't have to bothered because I messed up. I'm gonna need help. People who know what they're doing.

I walked to front enterance, just then I saw four people coming in. Three guys and one woman. They look like just came back L.A.R.P. I've only seen two other people dressed like this. More Asguardians, this might be a blessing in disguise.

I walked up to them. "Let me guess. The Worriors Three and Lady Sniff." The guys started to snicker. What did I say?

"My name is Sif! Not Sniff you ignorant Midgardian!" Sif replied. Ooohhhhh, heck no! Nobody talks to me like that. I was about to say something real bad, use words that shouldn't even be in vocabulary. Oh, I was gonna curse this woman out, but Loki came up from behind me and covered my mouth before I could say anything. Seriously, how is everyone sneaking up on me today!? Honestly, I'm one of the hardest people to sneak up on. Maybe it's all my excitment from this morning.

"Sif, that would not be a wise idea to antagonize her. She does have a worse temper than you do. Though, her nickname for you is appropriate." I could her the smugness in his voice. I turned my head towards his face. Yup, proud smirk, we are related. I tapped his hand, signaling to take it off of my face before I bite him.

"Hogun, I believe you remember the girl who made you speak and smile, you know my daughter. This is her." Loki said now hugging me. Jesus, he was really taking this whole I-can-tell-people-your-my-daughter-now thing seriously. At first I thought it was tick me and my family off, now I know he enjoys telling people he's my bio father like it's a big deal. He makes it seem like it's a huge honor, like he just got elected president with a unanimous vote.

"That's Luna! I didn't even recognize her. I did say she would be the beauty. My, how old is she? She must have tons suiters coming after her looking the way she does." The blonde, Fandral, said. I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or seriosus, and suiters, what is this, the middle ages? Plus, I'm not even cute! How exactly am I 'the beauty'?

"I'm 13 years old, and my name's Rose Rogers. Plus, last time you saw me I was a new born baby. The fact that you even remember I exsist at all is quite shocking to me." I answered. I think I just found my team.

"Rose? This midgardian is obvisouly deranged. She doesn't even know her own name!" Or not.

"Can somebody please sew her mouth shut before I do! Seriously, I'm about ready to kill her. Oh, and for your info, the man who raised me named Rose, and here on Earth kids take their father's last name. Hence why Rogers is my last name." I stormed off and bumped Sniff with with my shoulder. "Bye Sniff. Nice to meet you Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg. Did I get that right?" I asked when I was at the door. They all nodded. I smiled and waved as left. Well, tomorrow I'll ask to see if the guys want to be in my team. Loki will pretty much beg, Ash will make me let her in, and Antonie will sneak in if I don't let him. Yup, I only need three more to get the minimum for a team. This is gonna go just nicely. I have to leave for Russia in 2 weeks, I might have a team on short notice after all.

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