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Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know I'll be updating very soon but first I want to talk about a video on YouTube called Don't Stay In School. Now before you watch it if like to say that the video is not saying kids should drop out of school, it is saying unnecessary subjects should not stay in school. For example students right now here in America, are not taught how to pay tax, how to pay a bill, get a job, or even simple things like first aid. Sure we're taught CPR and we do have an early childhood class but a lot of things are deemed more important than teaching is life skills. So please watch the video and tell me what you think. I only want to spread this video because I heavily agree with this. When someone asks "Why are we learning this?" We are told "It's going to be on the final exams" or "It's on a test." So watch the video on YouTube. I'll leave a link for at the end of this, and if you agree with this spread the word. The video I have on the chapter media is a lyric video so here is the official video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8xe6nLVXEC0

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