04| Handsome, but Loathsome

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"E-Excuse me?" Perplexed yet fuming, Janan raised a delicate eyebrow

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"E-Excuse me?" Perplexed yet fuming, Janan raised a delicate eyebrow.

"Are you deaf or something crawled up into your ear? I said, can I ask you a question?" He rolled his eyes and leaned away from the wall to walk closer to Janan.

"Woah there, humpty grumpy, don't even think about coming any closer. I like my positive bubble as it is so I don't need any of your negativism to burst it." Janan raised her hands to indicate that he should not come any closer. She scowled heavily when he still kept creeping closer until he was three feet her.

"That bubble was already burst when you were born." He scoffed, his hands were still in his pockets. Janan gaped at him and dramatically placed her hands on her chest, feeling offended.

"Well, I'm sorry for the poor mirror that always had to see your frightening face." She stuck out her tongue at him and he mirrored her antics.

'What a child he is.' 

'What a child she is.'  Both soon-to-be-married couples thought simultaneously.

"Okay, we are going way off the topic here!" Ammar waved his hands in the air, "I'm gonna ask whether or not you like it!" 

'He has another thing coming if he thinks I'm going to stay and listen to whatever he's going to say!' Hissing, Janan stood and was about to bump past him when long, slender fingers slid around her arm and yanked her back. She gasped when Ammar forced her to sit back down on the bench. Janan was about to shout, kick or whatever that would make him release her when Ammar sent a warning glare so harsh, she hesitated. Janan released a huff and folded her arms childishly. 

"Did she...?" He trailed off.

"Did she, what, cry? Cause she did that a lot if that's what you're asking." She said, sarcasm dripping from her tongue.

"No, that's not... Barshidai (just forget it)." He was about to turn when she spoke.

"At least you should've broken it down to her nicely. Amma ba komai, tunda yanzu nasan wane irin mutumi ne kai (but no problem, since I now know what kind of man you are). Janan's words were etched with venom, spitting them at Ammar's disdainful face, who flinched a little. She faced her flowers and plucked a velvety petal from the garden.

'What kind of man did they engage me with?! How can they not see that he is not suited for me?! Yes, I'm being selfish but I do not care! I just wished she got him instead of me... I bet she would have been much happier... While here I am, depressing over the matter. Ah, life can be such a pain in the ass, Astagfirallah (Allah forgive me). At least he's good-looking... W-W-What was that Janan?! Stop, Stop thinking this at once!'

She didn't know Ammar was still there, leaning against one of the stone pillars and observing her. She certainly didn't know that he saw how her lewd face twisted into that of shock and disgust. Slowly, Ammar's lips curved up into a smirk.

"Oh! I didn't know that my soon-to-be wife is a...pervert. May Allah protect me from your sinful acts." He chuckled, rubbing his stubble when Janan's cool facade cracked. 

"Kai! Banson shegantaka (You! I don't like nonsense)! Don't lump me in with the likes of you." She faced him with her head held high, her eyes challenging him.

He gave a hearty laugh, leaving Janan confused.

"Habibti," He mockingly said. "it's a shame you think your dark skin can hide the blush forming on your cheeks." His hearty laugh reduced to chuckles.

Janan felt the heat radiating off her cheeks due to the embarrassment. "S-Shut up! I have melanin, I can't blush! And no one calls me that except my father!" She sputtered, feeling frustrated he's getting the upper hand.

"So you say,"

For the first time, he flashed Janan a dazzling smile that left her momentarily blinded. "Banda lokaci (I don't have time). I hope I won't get to see you soon, Habibti."

Janan shouted incoherent words at Ammar while he made his exit, enjoying his victory.

'You may have won this round, but mark my words, Ammar!' Janan patted her cheeks, wondering if patches of red really were visible on her cheeks.

There in the silence, Janan sat still. She hated her situation. Fresh tears made their way down her cheeks, crying silently into the night.

"Motherfuc—!" She threw a small, flower vase in anger and watched as it crashed into the stone pillar Ammar leaned on.


"Was it right? Naga baasa son juna sosai (I saw that they didn't really like each other much)..." Umma announced worriedly, her delicate brows creasing.

"No need to worry, I'm absolutely sure she can lead him to a better life. At least take away the hate he harbors..." Janan's father whispered. His heart engaged in an inner battle with his mind.

Suddenly, Ammar announced his presence. He came stomping into the room, his face showing that he's still thoroughly vexed.

"Father please, danallah Ina rokon ka (please I'm begging you)! Forget this silly matter and save me from her! I don't want to live a miserable life like that!" Ammar had been desperate and was almost to his knees.

"Ammar, we've talked about this." His father had rather not repeat his former words.

"Father... Please... Mother you too, listen to me. I'll do anything you ask me to do! Anything!" He wanted to escape and wanted it terribly.

Ammar's father exchanged looks with Janan's father. Janan's father looked at him, his brows furrowed before sighing.

"Fine..." Ammar had never felt this much relief in his life, but it was only short-lived. "But I'm afraid the wedding will still commence. You can divorce her after a year, that's all I can offer. But if you have second thoughts, I recommend you accept her before you end up making a big mistake...you never know what might happen in the near future. Inshallah, I know you are going to see how suited you both are. We are trying to help you forget about the past, Ammar..." He finished.

Ammar — though not liking the idea — smirked slightly, ignoring whatever Janan's father said at the end. 'It is just a year, what could go wrong? It's not like I'm those kinds of men that'll fall in love in the end. No way! I'm stronger than that! After that year I'll say goodbye to that troublesome girl and finally, taste sweet freedom on my lips. She's not even that pretty, so I have nothing to worry about. I like my ladies fair.'

"... Deal." Pleased with the decision, he exited the living room.

"What have I done to my poor girl...?" Janan's father pinched the bridge of his nose.


Janan was clearly avoiding Fatima, and Fatima knew it. Fatima was getting annoyed by the second as she searched for a certain girl known as her best friend.

That's when she spotted a girl with a smooth black veil tied around her head. It seemed like she was hiding from something , or rather someone, from a corner. She was in a crouched position.

Without much of a thought, Fatima grasped her hand and dragged her to the girls' toilet, ignoring her protests.

At her destination, she stopped and turned to come face to face with a nervous-looking Janan, who's worrying her lips.

"Oya, start talking."    


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