chapter 24

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(joes pov)
so Demi went to the doctors office the following Friday. she found out she was 10 weeks along. which gave us an easier way to be more prepared. she got some prenatal vitamins, and the doctor told her that her visits would be monthly, then as she progresses in her pregnancy, she would visit more frequently up until she's there almost every week.

I've got to be honest, it scared me a little bit. but I love her too much to leave her. my grades are slowly slipping, I'm working my ass off too much to focus on anything other then Demi and the baby. she's still been working at Hals. & little by little we're getting there.

I threw my keys down and shut the front door to my house. "Joseph!" my mom yelled. the lights flickered on as I stopped trying to tiptoe upstairs. "about time you're home son." my dad said. "where on earth have u been?" my mom asked in a panicked voice. I rolled my eyes. "I was at my job. it's only 12:20. I'm almost 18, get over yourselves." I said.

"Joseph." my dad started. "you're 17 years old and line under my roof until u pay your own bills you follow our rules. your curfew is midnight. and you apologize to me and your mother for speaking with so much disrespect!" my dad yelled. I flipped him off and went upstairs and slammed my door shut not caring.

it was only a matter of time before my dad opened it and came in. sitting himself on the bed calmly. "Son this isn't like you. being disrespectful, working this late? what's going on?" he asked. and I flipped. "what's going on? what's going on is I'm in love dad. the most amazing girl on the planet is mine and as of 10 beautiful weeks ago she's been carrying my child. that's why in stressed and working so much. pardon me for trying to be a good father & better man!" I yelled.

he didn't answer. he just pat me on the knee. "we'll I want to meet her. invite her over for dinner tomorrow." he said.i nodded as he got out. this should be interesting.

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