You think a second, your brow furrowed, before nodding. "Yeah...I think I know the general area."

"Awesome. Well, you should totally come by and see what we're going to do with all of these." He outstretches his hand to shake yours. "I'm Chase, by the way. I take it you're _____?"

You smile. "Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you, Chase. Thanks for the invite. When would be best to stop in?"

"Well, we're going to start preparing everything this afternoon, but we aren't playing until tomorrow. So pretty much anytime would be fine. Just tell them your name at entry and they'll let you right in." He glances at something behind you and indicates the shelf. "Would you mind helping me with these? I dropped them all last time."

He must have seen your supervisor come around the corner, so you play along. "Of course, sir, which ones can I help you with?"

After you help Chase with putting the cans into his cart, he thanks you and says that he hopes to see you later. You give him a professional goodbye and tell him to have a good day before going back to your duties.

Your supervisor suddenly appears in front of you, as if out of nowhere. "And what, may I ask, was that?"

"I'm sorry..?"

"You think I don't know what you were doing? You're not allowed to flirt with the customers, you know that." She crosses her arms at you, looking satisfied that she has something to throw at you.

"Excuse me?" You've finally had enough of her. First she pushes you around like you're worthless and now she's accusing you? "I'm sorry if you misunderstood what just happened, but I was not flirting. I don't even know how to flirt. It's not my fault that I was the only one around to help him. Everyone else had rounds to do."

Her eyebrows almost reach her hairline. "Are you giving me attitude, Miss ______?"

"No, ma'am, I'm simply giving the facts. Honestly, I don't appreciate being accused of things I didn't do." You try to maintain your composure. She may make you mad as all get-out, but she can still make your life a nightmare.

"So you're calling me a liar." Her hands go to her hips.

Her defensive posture doesn't break you, though, and you continue to stand as you are, both hands holding the mop handle upright beside you. "No, ma'am, all I'm saying is it may have looked different than it actually was."

"So you're calling me stupid now!" She takes a hand from her hips to point a finger threateningly at you. "One more insult out of you, young lady and you're fired!"

You sigh irritatedly and hold the mop handle out to her, setting it against her arm. "You know what? There's no need. I'm quitting."

You turn to walk away, leaving her speechless and stunned as you reach behind your back to untie your apron. She quickly calls after you. "You won't get a reference from me, you know! You'll never get another job now!"

You pull the apron over your head and let out a spiteful laugh, turning around to face her as you set the uniform on the closest shelf. "You know what? I don't need your reference. My hard work speaks for itself. Because as much as you love to tell me I'm worthless, you forget to hide the fact how much you use me to do things you don't like to do. And I have been so patient here with you, but now I'm done. My patience has run out and I will not put up with your manipulative, controlling, abusive personality. Not anymore."

You turn back around and continue to the staff area to collect your things. You're sure that eventually you'll regret your outburst, but for now you couldn't be more pleased with yourself. You stood up for your own rights as a human being and showed that no one has to take her crap.

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