Real life(124)

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Justin's POV

Why did I do that? I'm so stupid! My thoughts are cut off the the sound of my phone buzzing. Incoming call from Ariana😍❤️😘 I decide to answer it and pace around my room. My hearts stops as I accept the call. Before she could say anything I already started apologizing.

Justin: baby. I'm so so sorry and I promise it won't happen again.

Ariana: why would you do that?! I trusted you! Couldn't you at least have told me you were leaving?!

Justin: I'm sorry. Ok? I was drunk! I didn't mean it!

Ariana: save it justin! You cheated on me with some random girl you found when you were out with "the boys"

Justin: I apologized! What else do you want from me?!

I spit back and immediately regret it

Ariana: Justin......

Justin: yeah

Ariana: I think we should take a break..

Justin: from us?!

Ariana: yeah.... I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do right now. We can still be friends

My heart sinks and my voice cracks as I respond and hang up

Justin: o-ok

Why did I do this?! I just lost the love of my life because I'm an idiot and cheated on her! A waterfall of tears pour down my face and I slouch down my wall not knowing what to do. I messed up real bad this time. I'm such a horrible person! I take out my phone and find the location of a bar that's not too far away because there's nobody in this world who can comfort me right now and this is my only other option. I slowly get up and don't bother to wipe my tears away. I grab my car keys and race out to my car and take off. As soon as I buckle up I slam my foot into the gas pedal and drive as fast as I can to the bar. I need her right now. I miss her already. I repeat to myself as the tears keep pouring. Once I get there I reach into my pocket to grab my phone and end up feeling a tiny box. I open it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring but not just any ring... the one I was going to use to propose to her. She could've been my forever. I throw it at the window and slam my head into the steering wheel. After about 10 minutes I get out of my car and walk into the bar. I sit all the way at the end and order some drinks not caring what they are just wanting to escape my problems for awhile. Once I was into my sixth or seventh glass I noticed a familiar woman walk into the bar. As she got closer to the bar I noticed who it was. It was Ariana. Jesus she looks better than me. I blankly stare at her hoping she doesn't notice me. After awhile I notice a tall man with dark hair approach her and start talking to her. Hearing her laugh and seeing her so happy with another guy shattered my heart. If anything, she looked happier with him. I ran to my car knowing if I saw that for one more second I would hurt him. I stared into the distance. I knew I couldn't cry. All my tears are gone. With my luck, I see them walk out and race to is car which is conveniently right next to mine. I duck behind the wheel as they crawl into the car and drove off. My sadness turned into anger as I raced now the street not knowing where I'm going but knowing it'll be far.  God I need her, but I guess she doesn't feel the same. I take out my phone and decide to leave her a message. 

Justin: hey Ariana. I just want to say that I love you and hope you're happy. I know I could never make up for what I did but I hope you would consider letting us become a thing again. I miss you and can't live without you. Pls answer ily

Once I hit send I get a notification on Instagram. @arianagrande posted a photo
I click on it and immediately regret doing so because a picture of Ariana and that man mocks me. I shut off my phone and drive home.

Do you think she should take him back? Do you like Dylan and Ari together? Pls leave comments!

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