chapter 12

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"Why do you want to be apart of my life after what happen not to long ago when you left me and mom and dad to go on your selfless dream to who know where not a goodbye nor a letter saying when you are coming or even coming back next thing I know you are here after what like five year six years with your selfishness to find your true destiny. " I told Ryan .

"It not what you think Amy I had a job." Ryan replied.

"A job, a job which was so Damn long that a job." i said.

"Can you let me finish ." Ryan asked.

"No you listen mom ,dad, sis and I been looking for you you didn't even send us letters saying that you are ok and everything will be find." I said

"Plz Amy let me finish the job I had didn't let me talk to anyone I had to be by myself I had a mission to to if you don't believe me asked Demetrie he the one who send me on the mission." Ryan replied.

"What the mission anyways?" I asked.

"Amy he can't tell you about the mission and you will never know about the mission you hear me." Demetrie said.

"O ,so you now decide to talk after listening to everything !" I shouted.

"Yea do you have a problem with it!" Demetrie shouted.

"No i just needed someone to shout at!" I shouted .

"Keep shouting and you will wake up Avery! " Demetrie shouted.

It was to late Avery started to cry loud.

"Really Amy you woke up Avery you happy now. " Demetrie said.

"Uhhh give me a minute. " I replied.

I got out of Demetrie office and went to averyrose room she was crying alot.

"I am sorry baby I didn't mean to wake you." I said.

"It ok mama I don't want to sleep anymore can i come with you and daddy ." averyrose replied .

"OK but you can't make noise ok. " I replied.

"Yes mommy." she said.

I took her up and carried her to Demetrie office.

"While you are finally back is she asleep ." Demetrie said .

"No she is right here. " I replied .

"Hi sweetie sorry we wake you. " Demetrie said.

"It ok daddy. " she replied

"Hi honey ." Ryan said .

"Who are you. " Avery asked .

"I am your. " Amy cut Ryan off " He is nobody important ."

"Avery it going to have a bbq with my family and friends are you excited. " Demetrie asked.

"Is mommy going. " averyrose asked.

"Yes mommy going." Demetrie replied .

"Then yeah I happy." averyrose said .

"OK sweetie and I will show you everyone and your mom mommy daddy and sister will be there." Demetrie said.

"You mean granny, grandpa and aunty." averyrose asked.

"Yes." Demetrie replied.

"I can't  wait." averyrose said .

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