chapter 9

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"What are you doing here?"Amy asked.

"Well I came too see you of course." he said .

"Why ,after all this time you now decide to meet me." Amy said

"It hasn't been that long." he said .

"Yes ,it have been 4 long years without you ,I thought you wold of been there for me but you weren't." Amy  said sadly

"I am sorry." he said .

"You feel I could forgive you after this time ." Amy said .

"Yes we are family." he said .

"I don't care if we are related by blood ,do you really think I could, you left me without a goodbye or even telling me where you went." I saidm

"I am your brother ,I sure you can forgive me," he said .

"Why should I you left me." I replied .

"How could I make it up to you? " he asked.

"What If I buy you a box of chocolate, then you would forgive me." he said.

"OK ,but you have to buy it for me Ryan." Amy said .

"OK, Lil sis." he said .

"Who is it." Demetrie asked.

"It my brother Ryan." I told him .

Demetrie came down stairs and saw Ryan .

"O your here to take the package to Mrs Kim." he said.

"Yes sir." Ryan said.

"Wait, you didn't came here to see me, you came to take a package to deliver it, you didn't even know I was here did you Ryan." I said while crying .

"I know, I'm sorry I should of told you but you didn't " I cut him off

Amy started to run up the stairs to her room .
While Ryan was calling out her name.

She lay in my bed and cried herself to sleep.

Picture of Ryan above

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