Chapter 15

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When you heard that Jin was organizing a dinner and dance with all guests of the wedding, you sort of internally groaned especially because of the first formal dance. The first formal dance was a tiring, traditional practice where all eligible bachelors stood in a circle and all eligible bachelorettes danced with each of them, changing partners as the music indicated. It was a customary practice of all social gatherings and all heirs knew this dance by heart after hundreds of times of doing it. Jin was the most excited when he realized this would perhaps be the last time he would have to dance to this because he hated it. He hated remembering the steps and consequently, he could never pull off a single perfect dance. But over the last two days he trained very hard with you for Mia's sake - to make her last dance the best ever.

You had been half expecting Jungkook to be your first dancer tonight. According to the rules of the dance, the first dancer is also your last dancer, which meant you spend the most time with whoever takes you to the dance floor first. But now with Jungkook already finding himself a partner, you had to wonder for the first time, what to do. Your worries though had the immediate solution standing right behind you.

"Well." You turned a little startled to find Jimin walking up to you, purposely making a deep voice. "Has this lovely woman not found a partner yet tonight?"

You blushed slightly at his prince like poise. "Not yet, I'm afraid."

Jimin held his elbow out, expression slightly uncertain. "Then I guess this it is up to this chivalrous young man to save the damsel in distress."

You looked at his arm and then back at him before laughing and linking it with yours. "I'd be honored."

As Jimin and you walked to the dance floor, the conductor counted the number of couples aligned for the dance -"eight couples, nine stanzas." and turned his back to the audience arranging his sheets. You were not very close to Jimin but you knew him decently well. He hadn't studied in the same middle school as you but you saw him in high school for about a year and a half till you shifted to Mia's place in London. The next time you saw him was when you went to university in London and he had arrived on a exchange program. Other than some outings and dinners with the whole group, you never got to know him much personally and just talked to him very casually.

With the indication from the conductor, all the pairs moved to form a circle at the center of the crowd and you glanced to your right to see your next partner, immediately spotting Jungkook and Kate talking, as they stood ready to dance in each others arms. You could hear slight whispers and short laughters and they looked happy which was enough for you. Though you had been sort of dreading this day for years - the day that would determine you officially as the third wheel of the new couple - it didn't seem so bad now. Seeing them in love it didn't seem so bad at all. Maybe love wasn't as bad as you thought it was.

When you casually turned to your left though, you were not expecting the person whose eyes you met. Hoseok. You didn't realize till now that you had to dance with him as well, perhaps even make conversation while you were at it too. You turned back to Jimin at the sensation of his hand finding its place on your lower back, startled by the sudden touch.

"What happened?" Jimin frowned at your expression. "All good?"

"Huh?....yeah yeah all good." You brushed away his concern gently as you placed one hand on his shoulder, your other hand interlocking with his. Jimin raised his eyebrows looking at you for confirmation, to which you simply nodded smiling at him again so he relaxed and looked around. With Jimin's attention away from you, you slightly turned to see Hoseok again but he wasn't looking at you anymore.

With a small warning the music began to play and all the inhabitants of the dance floor collectively moved in synchronization, years of experience making them move gracefully. Jimin was one of the best dancers you had partnered with and the grace that he moved with literally swept you off your feet. Making light conversation, you enjoyed dancing with him and you didn't even know how fast time went until you noticed the change in the music and your disappointed expression met with Jimin's pouted face.

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