"Alright" he said surprising you. "I need a phone."

"A phone?"

"It's a pity you don't know Ms. Y/l/n but I happen to be a very influential person. One phone call and I can get you inside, without even breaking in."

"Oh really?" You looked at him, challenge written all over your face. "Prove it."

He nodded searching around his pockets patting them as you waited patiently.

"Shit my phone." he tensed passing his fear to you.

" oh no did you lose it?"

"I think so. Oh god where did I leave it? Can I call it through your phone? Maybe someone will pick up."

You handed him your phone nodding worried as he dialed his number, staring at the screen as it rang.

"Place it against your ear Hoseok, how will you know if someone picks up?"

Hoseok smirked at you. "I can't believe you fell for the classic trick of getting a girl's phone number. Seriously Y/n?" He laughed at your expression of disbelief. "Now if you don't mind, I am actually going to go make a genuine call now."

He walked away dialing, as you looked on not too annoyed by his attempt to fool you. But it was only when Hoseok left you alone that you realized what you had done.

You, Y/n, who was terrified of the city of Sydney, had driven a car at the dead of the night, that too for a man you barely knew? What were you thinking? More importantly, where did you get so much courage from?

All you knew was at that moment the look on Hoseok's face had disturbed you. The face you had usually seen so bright and mischievous all the time, was twisted with an unknown pain and regret that he was feeling for the way he behaved with you. All you knew was at that moment you were ready to whatever it took to bring him back to normal. But you the fact that you had gone against your own fears for it struck you only now and it made you wonder - while trying to get him to think differently, were you changing yourself?

Hoseok returned smiling and punched a couple of numbers on the machine next to the door and it gave a beep as he pushed the door holding it open for you. "Welcome Ms. Y/n."

Hoseok had never seen her or anyone as a matter of fact this enthusiastic. She was literally staring wide eyed at all the machines trembling with excitement. Hoseok couldn't believe the woman who was looking so sexy seconds ago was suddenly so childish.

When he saw that she had pulled over next to the arcade building he thought she was actually playing a joke on him. The fact that she was serious was enough to lift his mood, making him laugh, putting behind all that happened with Jin earlier that night. It had been ages since Hoseok had been in an arcade, high school was the last time maybe that he had gone out to play like this. But he was willing to try again. At least for her sake if not his.

And she was such a great sport, it amazed Hoseok. Not only that, she was unbelievably talented. Hoseok couldn't digest the fact that she actually scored twice as much as him in basketball and that she had nearly the same score as him on the punching machine and that she was better than him with the claw crane. Though Hoseok got a much bigger toy than her, she still got more than him.

Hoseok sat down on one of the chairs pouting.

"What did you say when you got me here?"


"That it was winning that boosted the ego. But I haven't won a single game against you if you realized. How is this supposed to make me feel better exactly?"

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