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I stood there, looking at them back and forth. This situation was just so awkward, having a boy I hardly knew in my house then my teacher comes to find us alone together. I didn't take it in that way at all, but I couldn't imagine what others would think...

"Midoriya! What are you doing here?" he asked in a very questioning voice.

"A-All might! I-I was just, uuuh..." Izuku was such a stuttering mess, he couldn't speak at all so I had to do the talking for him.

"I asked Izuku about his quirk on our way home and he said we couldn't talk about it in the open. So I invited him into my house, we were also working on our school work as well sir.

"Oh. Okay! Ehem...well, back to what I was here for. (Y/n), you will start your training with me tomorrow. I created a whole schedule just for you!" he said and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, them handed it to me. I gently grabbed the schedule from him and skimmed through it, he had almost every second of my day planned out on the one sheet. I was pretty impressed with him.


(Y/n's) Training Schedule

Morning routine//Before school

Note: You HAVE to sleep by 7 o'clock every day so you won't be to tired for our training.

[ Monday-Friday ]

3: 40 a.m - Wake up, get dressed, eat a proper breakfast, and bring your book bag.

4:00 a.m - Head to the park and meet up with me and Midoriya.

4:15 a.m - Prep with stretches.

4:20 a.m - Walk for 5minutes.

4:25 a.m - Jog for 5 minutes.

4:30 a.m - Sprint for 5 minutes.

4:35 a.m - Walk for 5 minutes

4:40 a.m - Jog for 5 minutes

4:45 a.m - Rest for 15 minutes

5:00 a.m - Head to U.A's gym on foot.

5:30 a.m - Set up gym for a sparring match.

5:40 a.m - Spar with Izuku for 30 minutes.

6:10 a.m - Spar with me for 20 minutes.

6:30 a.m - End it with 20 sit ups, 20 push ups, 20 Jumping Jacks, and 10 Suicides.

6:30 a.m-7:30 a.m - Rest for an hour.

7:50 a.m - get ready for first period.


After school//Night routine

4:00 p.m - Light jog back home.


After I read through the paper I fold it back up and place it in my pocket. "Okay, thank you All Might. I'll be sure to be there tomorro-" before I could finish my sentence Izuku started freaking out and talking to himself.

All Might x Reader || Toshinori Yagi x Reader  [Feeling Love For The First Time]Where stories live. Discover now