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A far away from the galaxy, the rebellion has worked hard to fight againist the Empire untill they didn't have time for holiday. So I decided to make my own show first time. I made for them.

So here my first SWR Show, HOPE.

*Audience claps*

Me : "Hi I'm Locita and I held on Yavin 4, where the rebellion built."

Then I saw many starships flew to show us their tricks till it all getting out the colourful smokes.

It all drew Rebel Phoenix Squadron's symbol, starbird symbol on the sky.

*Audience claps*

"That was amazing opening! What do you think ?!" I asked to audience. I heard they anwserd "YES !!!"

Me : "I'm so glad you all can come here for the first time. Even Empire tried to block us for coming.

Sunddenly audience worried.

Me : Don't worry, Empire won't know about this. Take it relax.

Audience took a relax for second, so do I. "Now, you all want to find out why I called HOPE." Audience shouted loudly "YES !!!" I smiled at them.

Me : Because we're in the war, fight againist the Empire. Many people were hopeless that they can't feel freedom but it'll change. Because we have hope, to make it better, and it will.

*Audience claps*

Me : Now, I'll call my guests on the stage. Here are the Ghost crew !

I saluted to Ghost crew as the audience clapped hands for them. I see Ezra and Sabine are waving hand to audience.

Ezra : Hello everybody !

Sabine : Hi !

They smiled each other as they stood beside me. Next Kanan and Hera are doing same with Ezra and Sabine. They stood another side of me.

Sunddenly, Zeb and Chopper bring uncomfortable situation "COME BACK HERE, NOISY DROID !" We hear Zeb screaming. I clean my throat as I called them.

Zeb and Chopper just relieze that they are on the stage.

Zeb : Oh, Hey everybody ! *Waved hand to audience as he smiled wider and hid his embarrassing*

At the time, Zeb and Chopper stood up straight. Hera started mad at him. She shook her head as she put her hand on her head. I rolled my eyes as I countinued held it.

Me : Okay Zeb, thank you for your reception. Welcome to my show, Ghost crew. We'll talk about them later. So stay tuned and we'll back.

*Audience claps*


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