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Isabelle Smith is a cheerful 16 year old girl. She's a petite brown hair girl with dazzling blue eyes. Many people think she's really pretty but she doesn't care about it. She lives in Ann Arbor with her parents and her twin brother Logan. Isabelle and Logan are complete opposites. She hangs out with a small group of friends, he is one of the most popular boys in school. She's nice, friendly, outgoing, caring and down to earth, he's a badass always looking for trouble. She hasn't yet been in love, only had a one boyfriend, he hooks up with a different girl almost every week. Yet they love each other very much and would do anything for each other, even though they don't express it so much in public. However Logan is very protective of his sister, and doesn't let anyone bother her. That also includes boys that try to flirt with Isabelle. If she's not interested, or if he thinks they're not good enough for her, he makes sure they never bother her again. Although Isabelle is sometimes annoyed by that she is happy to have a brother that cares. 

Her parents are very strict. They expect her to have good grades, to behave nice... basically to be nothing like her brother. Although, they accept Logan as the bad boy he is, they just don't want her to be the same 'cause she is after all a girl therefore she needs to be better than him. Isabelle doesn't have a big problem with that, she hasn't yet been in a situation that would make her parents yell at her, or ground her, or anything like that. But she does have a problem with it when it comes to boys. Just like her brother, her parents also think it's their responsibility to make sure she doesn't end up dating someone who's not good enough for her. 

Isabelle's best friend is Abby, a girl similar to herself with who she has very much in common. The two of them have been friends since kindergarten and haven't even had a real fight yet. Besides her brother, Abby is the person she loves most in the world. They are just inseparable. Her best friend is also Austin. He's the perfect gossip friend with an amazing fashion style. He's every girl's dream - a gay best friend.

Her brother Logan was from the day they were born completely different from her. Even when he was a kid doing things that he wasn't suppose to do was the biggest fun there is. So naturally, in high school, he became friends with a group of people just like him. Joey Richter is one of his closest friends. The two of them are the most popular, and also the worse, guys in school. They're both athletes, very handsome, funny, they like going out, having a good time, and having things their way. Darren Criss is also a part of that group. The only thing that makes him different from the two of them is that he doesn't as often go around looking for trouble, or for girls. He's in an on and off relationship with the beautiful Lauren Lopez, the IT girl of school. Many people think of Lauren as a stuck up emotionless princess, but she is nothing like that. Although she acts like that sometimes she is actually a sweet, friendly girl once you get to know her. And although she and Darren don't want to admit it to anyone, or to themselves, they have real strong feelings for each other, they are just still too proud to admit it. Lauren's best friend is Tiffany. She's a beautiful girl who acts all innocent, sweet and loving but inside she's the biggest bitch there is. Sadly, Tiffany is now in a relationship with Logan, and Isabelle can't stand her. She sees what Tiffany is really like and it frustrates her that her brother doesn't realize it. And the last bad boy of their school is Brian Holden. He keeps mostly to himself, only giving people smirks and occasional glares or winks as he walks by, depending whether he likes the person or not.

These are the people that will make Isabelle's life change, even though she never imagined it, not even in her wildest dreams. 'Cause to be honest, Isabelle can't stand any of her brother's friends. She knows them, they know her, and they occasionally say a few words to each other only because all of them often hang out in their house when her parents are not at home. But she hates every one of them except for her brother, and maybe Lauren, 'cause she seems the most normal one.

And so the story begins....

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