Chapter 14: The Carnival

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☆ Avery's POV ☆

"Bella!" I ran up to her in excitement and we hugged.

It's been like months since we last saw each other and i definitely remember that moment. It was the time  Revery was born or in easy words, it was the time they started shipping me with Reece. Oh wait, they started shipping me with Reece two years ago.

So i think the last time we saw each other was when they visited ofcourse.

"It's been so long. I've missed you Averyyyyy. And i also have alot to tell you" she smiled pulling away and hugging Austin next

"Hey Bella, where's Reece?" I ask and then Austin smirked.

That exact moment i knew what he's thinking. Oh Austin, if i only i can punch you right now.

"He's outside getting our things" Bella said and i walk outside looking for him.

I saw him at their car saying goodbye to his mom with loads of bags near him.

"Reeeeeeeeeece!" I exclaimed in excitement and i ran up to hug him. He hugged me back and the  car drove off.

"Missed me Avery?" Reece smirked

"Oh don't get to cocky mister" i chuckled and i punched playfully on his shoulder

"I won't" he put his hands up in surrender

We put the bags inside and instantly...when i entered the house i was greeted by Austin's smirk.

Bella looked like she was about to explode because she's too flattered by the scene.

"Why are you both looking at us?" I ask playing dumb.

"Oh nothing" bella said in a singsong tone

"Yeah. Nothing" Austin chimed in and he picked up the bags and placed them upstairs.

Yeah, way to go. I exactly know why they were staring. Ugh

"So i was planning, that we all go to the water park later" reece suggested and bella instantly agreed

"We can't. Avery and i have this big test tomorrow and we need to study. But you both can call an uber to take you to the water park"

Real smooth lying Austin. Real smooth..

"Aw. Too bad, but you'll come back, right Avery?" bella asked and i nodded.

Ofcourse I'm coming back. I still need to tell Bella alot of things that happened to me.

"I will Bella" i smiled and they both got their bags and waited outside for the uber that they called.

"You sneaky little motherhubbard"  i gave Austin a death glare as soon as bella and reece got out of the house

"What? Atleast it's better than ditching them here" he laughed

I was about to say something when the door opened revealing Reece

"Here. Open it later" he said giving me a tiny box and then he left.

Hmm..should i open it like right now?

No, he said open it later.

But he didn't specifically mention what time is later.

Open it LATER!!

I think i might be going crazy. I'm had an argument with myself.

I decided to open it later cause that's what my guts said and i strongly believe in my guts.

My guts can like, see the future. Nah just kidding. My guts are pretty stupid but i still trust them.

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