"I have friends back at home, and they're human."

As she walks away, the walls close in and begin to crash. I drop my hand to the side as everything falls apart. The room darkens. My legs shake as I struggle to walk. She's my best friend. 

A soldier glances at me as he walks into the training room. I only nod before swiftly exiting the doorway. I run to my room, ignoring all the awkward and curious stares I receive. I slam the door behind me - just like a child would.

Dropping to my knees, I put my face in my hands. This doesn't feel fair. Anything and everything shatters around me. Nothing stays.

Everyone leaves.

I growl, balling my hand into a fist. Standing to my feet, I punch the computer monitor closest to me, screaming as an electric current runs through my alien arm.

Broken glass gathers at my feet, it barely having scratched my arm.

Stupid alien arm.

Stupid robots.

They've ruined everything for me.

They've made me become one of them.


A knocking at my door wakes me from my sleepless slumber. I groan, pulling myself out of bed and throwing my blanket to the side. I slide my feet into my boots but stop as I notice I do not have pants on.

Another knock.

"Hold on!" I shout, scrambling around my room in search of some clothes.

I button them slowly.


"DUDE! I will punch you when I get out of here!" I grunt, throwing on a t-shirt and slipping a handgun in my boots.

"Even with your ego, you couldn't get that high," Ratchet's voice speaks through the door.

Stupid Ratchet.

I slam open the door, glaring at Ratchet who rolls his eyes. He asks if I am alright and requests for me to take a ride with him. I only nod my head, jumping in when he transforms. He drives out of the base slowly, the soldiers at the door allowing our exit.

"Aaron is leaving," I state after a few minutes.

Ratchet stays silent.

"I thought she was happy here, as she expressed it to me on multiple occasions. Today she told me she no longer felt needed here, and that she was fighting in a way she didn't belong in. Aaron said she was tired of being surrounded by aliens, me included."

"It doesn't feel fair, does it?"

"No. I never asked to have this," I glance at my metal arm. "I never asked to have the matrix of leadership as part of my heart...,"

"Your heart would have ended otherwise."

"Maybe that would have been better."

A stray suicidal thought reaches my mind. I have considered this before, and I know that would have been easier, maybe on everyone. Though somewhere I have a purpose. I know the cybertronians need my help and can't destroy the Decepticons without me. I am needed here, like Optimus with his Autobots.

A sigh emits from the transformer. "I say we go blow something up."

My spirits lift in the slightest.  "Wanna start a riot?"

"Always. However, I recommend against it." You can hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Then what am I even doing with you?" I roll my eyes, leaning back into the seat.

The desert passes by until it becomes the city. People stroll on the sidewalk, side by side. Joggers make their way through as well, passing by the others and acting as if they are not showing off. I always laughed at people like that, especially if they were doing so in the morning. Who, in the world, would want to go out and run in the middle of the godforsaken morning?

"I allowed you to ride with me so you can "vent", as you organisms call it."

And that is how it went. I explained to Ratchet how I have felt for years, agonizing over the fact that I am not truly human. Men, women, and children stare at me funny, and some even look fearful. Ratchet knows as well, there's nothing I can do.

"I did not choose to be a medic in the cybertronian war, Phoneix. We all have destinies we weren't prepared for."

I stay silent, taking in what he said. I never thought that Ratchet didn't choose to be a medic, I always thought he enjoyed the field like a doctor would in college. But I guess some nurses in World War 2 didn't get that option either.

"Ratchet! Get back here IMMEDIATELY!" a frantic voice spoke through the radio.

"On our way," Ratchet returns, circling around, tightening my seat belt, and driving back where we came.

When we reach the base, everyone is circled around a holograph in the middle of the floor. The 'bots are staring at it, their optics wide, and the humans watch them. I jog up to it, glancing down.

It's a video of a sun, but the camera is shaking. Flames rage off of the star, bubbling and spewing out. My eyes widen.

"What are we looking at?" I question, looking to anyone for an answer.

"Alpha Centauri...," Ratchet mumbles.

"What is that?" I whisper to Steffany.

"That's Cybertron's star, the one the planet circles around." She explains, and I nod, my mouth forming an 'oh'.

One flare shoots off of the orb, others following with it as they spread miles from the center. The fire engulfs a planet and when it falls back, the planet disappears. The outside of the star grows larger and larger, turning into a bright baby blue.

A metal planet lies in its wake.

A series of gasps fill the room as I follow suit. Cybertron is disentegrating. The Transformers' home is being destroyed, and they are now homeless.

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