(Yall should read it since most people usually skip Authors Notes) lol!

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Hey dis yo girl Roberline A.K.A Roro the author of That Hater Life!
I know some of you have noticed how long it takes for me to update and I apologize. I'm always really busy or out of town. I promise to start updating my book and future books regularly at least every other day just for you guys! Thanks for being such great friends, followers and supporters.

To all my haters read this book also don't try leaving negative comments I won't read or pay attention to that shit cause it's petty if you ain't got nothin good to say don't say anything at all if you do or try to offend me y'all messin wit the wrong person cauze I will cuss y'all ass out I ain't no bitch!


What y'all say don't offend me or my characters it just falls back on you by karma or my rude ass mouth! I know I'm rude but I am mother fuckin Happy and y'all can't change me so kiss my caramel chocolate ass rachid haters!

I'm living and I'm living free so HAHA!

That's it for now! You see why you should read my not boring authors notes!LOL! :) :) XD C:

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