Maddie and I hug and she says that she doesn't feel that way and that she's happy for me.

"No! You do not get to bring Maddie into this conversation, Melissa! Day in and day out it has always been Maddie as the star, but you know what! You have another child, be happy for her." Kira shouts back, and Kenzie starts crying and we all huddle round her comforting her, the acro class completely forgotten.

My mother is now in the studio as well.

"You can't argue over what's already happened," my mother tries to calm everyone down. "What's done is done and we can't change it. Competition is tomorrow, then go out there and show everyone that it doesn't matter how unfair you think it is, you can take whatever they give you and still pull it off. Everyone in this studio is talented and amazing, but fighting is not going to show that, dancing and doing our best will."

For a moment I think this has worked, but the commotion soon starts up again.

"You're only saying that because you're new and your child has a solo and a duet, you wouldn't be saying that in my shoes," Jill yells at my mother. "Idella, you can act as pompous as you want but we all know just how rotten you really are."

My mother just shakes her head and looks away. The only moms who haven't joined the arguement are Holly, Ashley and Amy's mother - who I haven't learnt the name of - but they're making their way here now.

"Look," shouts Ashley, and everyone quietens down. "My child's only got a duet, but I'm happy for her. Nia only has a solo, but I don't see Holly complaining. I don't think some of you realize just how ungrateful we are being and how fortunate we should be to even be here."

Jill and Jess just shake their heads and walk out, muttering, "I'm not even going to bother anymore, tomorrow Kendall and Jojo are going to go out there and win, and not even Abby can stop them."


All us girls are sitting on our phones in the den right now when Kalani suddenly speaks.

"Look girls, it doesn't matter how angry or mad our mothers get at each other, we'll always be friends and be able to rely on each other. We need to remember that we are not our mothers, and that we will go out tomorrow and smash the competition so hard they won't know what hit them!"

"Yeah!" We all shout enthusiasticly.

"Speaking of which," I say. "Why don't we all have a sleepover at my house tonight?"

"Will your brothers be there?" Asks Mackenzie excitedly.

"Definitely, and we can play in the pool and go ice skating."

"You have an ice rink," Jojo's eyebrows are sky high. "That's awesome! I can't wait!"

"Let's all tell our moms now and then we can go shopping together," Nia, the ever sensible one, tells us and we all rush out to tell them. They all agree and we quickly grab our purses and phones and walk to the mall.

I walk with Kendall and Maddie, and we walk so slowly the others leave us behind.

Kendall gets out her phone and starts recording us as we walk there, groaning. "Ugh, why is walking so hard?" I moan and Maddie joins in.

"I'm going to die, Aurelia on my gravestone please write," She pauses for dramatic affect. "Fooled ya!" We both turn to the camera and grin, striking a pose. Kendall stops recording and we continue walking and chatting about what we are going to do when we get to the mall.

When we arrive, we decide to get a milkshake at a cafe. I get raspberry, Maddie gets chocolate and Kendall gets vanilla. When we sit down, Kendall's eyes suddenly widen and she almost spills her milkshake.

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