Chapter 7

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Tsuna walks towards Namimori Shrine with a razor blade in his hands. With a dejected look that screams depression on his face, he walks up the stairs to get to the top of the shrine. Tsuna can't handle the pain of losing Hibari anymore, he just wants the pain to end, and he just wants to see Hibari again,he wants to know who killed him and why it happened. 

But things never work out for him it seems since Giotto pops out of nowhere hugging Tsuna from behind trying to keep the small boy from killing himself. Tsuna thrashes about in a frenzy trying to escape from Giotto's warmth and comfort, but failed in the end since Giotto would not let go off the small boy. 

Tsuna falls to the ground on his knees and bawls like a child, screaming Hibari's name into the night sky,wishing that he was still there with him, but Tsuna knew that Hibari wouldn't come back. 

Hibari will never come back since he has been killed. After accepting that fact, Tsuna stood up and clenched his fists, "I swear that I will find Hibari's killer and punish him for what he has done, Hibari never deserved to die, and I will make dam sure that his killer is tormented on ever laying his hands on someone so dear to me." Tsuna says calmly enough but with a hint of anger in his voice.

Giotto looks down to his crush and gives a small sad smile and hums in response, but Giotto knew that Tsuna most likely would never find the killer, since Hibari's killer was indeed himself and he is always right beside Tsuna, even if Tsuna has Hyper Intuition it won't help him with this case.

Giotto grabs onto Tsuna's hand and gestures for them to start to head back home, Tsuna starts to slowly walk behind Giotto, watching his every move. Something was bugging him about Giotto,ever since he confessed to Hibari he hasn't been very cheerful but after Hibari's death he seemed to turn back to normal, well as normal as that man could be.

Tsuna was getting suspicious of Giotto already, but he wasn't 100% sure that Giotto has done anything. On the night that Hibari was killed, Giotto was with him, wasn't he? Tsuna could no longer remember if Giotto was actually with him all that night or not, he usually never leaves Tsuna alone unless he tells him to. 

And Giotto was getting pretty clingy towards him and never did like having Hibari close to him, they even fought a few times and he had to step in to stop them, but no one would tell him why they were fighting in the first place,Giotto would never tell him why he was mad at Hibari, and Tsuna assumed Hibari just fought back in self-defense or started the fight because he was bored. 

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