Chapter 6

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Giotto barged into Hibari's office giving off a huge aura of killing intent and giving Hibari a glare that would paralyze any normal person. Hibari just looked up from his desk and internally sighed when he saw the Blonde haired man giving him a death stare. "What do you want Giotto, I am pretty busy and I have lots of things to think about and consider." Hibari says in a cold tone, giving Giotto his own death glare. "You won't have things to do for much longer." Giotto states looking like a maniac. Giotto starts to walk over to Hibari and flares up his HDWM, grabs Hibari and flies out of the window to a secluded forest. Hibari is trying to fight back against Giotto but can't land a single hit on him, while they were in the air Hibari was in to much shock to struggle until they landed on the ground.

"This is the end for you Hibari Kyoya, the man that is in the way of Tsuna noticing my love and desire for him, the one who has corrupted his thoughts and taking away his time from me." Giotto says in a disturbed tone while preparing his Zero Point Breakthrough to freeze and kill Hibari. Hibari stares at the man with a rare panic look on his face, the only thoughts going through his mind is that some old bastard that is oppose to be dead is going to kill him, Hibari starts to turn around to run away even though he never thought he would ever run away from a fight, but it's better than dying and leaving the poor bunny to the clutches of this crazed man. But it was too late for Hibari, Giotto finished concentrating his move to kill his enemy which is something he usually would hate to do but he is feeling no sense of guilt at all.

The next day there was an announcement saying that Hibari Kyoya was found dead in the forgotten forest, most people were pretty happy to find out they wouldn't be getting beat up by him anymore, but those close to him were devastated and broke down. Tsuna, he took it the hardest, he was in love with Hibari and the next day after he confesses he gets the news he is dead? He didn't know what to think or how to process the new information. All Tsuna could do for the next few weeks was mope around his house and school, and cry himself to sleep. After a month of the passing of Hibari, Tsuna attempted to take his own life.

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