Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

                Danni’s POV 

I can do this, I can do this; I can do this, maybe. Just breathe in and out, in and out, oh crap I think I forgot how to breathe. This is not good; I have to get my nerves under control before I meet Jeremy.

Ok think happy thoughts; a basket filled with kittens, wait no I am allergic to them. Ok, take two, think about being on the beach with Jace beside me; we are holding hands and he whispers something in my ear. I can feel my body instantly relaxing at the thought; I’ll have to think about that all night if I want to survive this nightmare.

As I walk through the house, I can clearly see that it is an old southern plantation. It’s kind of creepy with its dark, drab design and there are cobwebs in the corners; really someone could clean up a little.

The man who I think is named Damon leads me to a double door and gently pushes the doors open. After he moves to the side, he nods his head for me to walk in and I can’t help see sorrow in his eyes.

I lift my head high and walk in like I’m not petrified.

The room I walk into is the dining room and it is massive. You would have expected a long table to go with the space, but instead there is a small round table that is set for two. The table cloth is white with red accents and the antique china is beautiful with red flowers that surface around the rim. The silverware is polished; making is sparkle under the dim lighting. It’s actually amazing since down south silver tarnishes with a blink of an eye. In the middle of the table is a single silver candle stick that has wax falling down the sides. It looks that a lot of thought and planning went to this dinner and I feel suddenly nauseous.

“You look very beautiful Danielle, the dress looks just like I envisioned.” I hear someone say behind me.

Before I turned to face him, I thought of Jace and I’m calm again. I see Jeremy at the door in a black on black suit. I guess his color is black, so typical for a bad guy. His glaze drifts down my body and I can see the hunger in his eyes. I wonder if I threw up on him, will he leave me alone. Hmmm, it can be my back up plan if he gets too frisky.

Jeremy walks towards me and I see someone shut the door leaving us alone. I move so that the table is dividing us and I see a hint of amusement in his eyes. He loves to see me uncomfortable; what a bastard. We have a stare off and I am determined not to lose. I want him to know that he can’t break me.

“Do you really think you will get away with this? Kidnapping me, keeping me here; do you know that you are digging your own grave?” I question without having my voice quiver; yay me.

Anger flash in his eyes, but disappears when he says, “I have everything under control. Jace won’t come for you and if he does, he knows I will kill you in a heartbeat. You mind as well get used to living here, because you will never leave.”

Before I can reply with a comeback, a man comes in with a tray of food. I just notice that I haven’t eaten anything for a day and it looks really good. Glancing at Jeremy, I see a smirk on his face and I really want to punch it off there. The man sets the food down and pours wine into the glasses before he leaves without speaking a word.

“Sit down, I know you are hungry. Don’t make me use force, Danielle.” Jeremy says as he gives me a harsh look.

I give one back, before I take me sit. Before me is a plate of Shrimp Alfredo, a Caesar salad, and garlic bread. I pick at the paste and salad, but I eat a lot of the bread; kissing someone with garlic on the breath is a turn off. We don’t talk as we eat and I am in perfect contentment with that. Why should I act like I want to be here? 

Blessed with a CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora