Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

                Danni’s POV

The day after the encounter with the mysterious wolf, I was outside working in the garden pulling weeds. Yeah I know nothing glamorous, but I was having fun trying to be like a pro basketball player throwing the weeds in the outside garbage can. I may be the master of the elements, but I really sucked at basketball. There goes my NBA dream.

Humming along to the song Drift Away, I notice a group of children watching me from the corner of my yard near the trees. There were two girls and four boys, between the ages of nine to fifteen. All the boys were pretty tall for their age which was unusual.

Jumping up and brushing my hands on my jean shorts, I say, “Well if you are gonna stand there and watch my sad attempt at weed basketball, mind as well help me.”

The boys just stood there looking like I was crazy. Rolling my eyes, I add, “I will feed you lunch and pay you all five dollars per bag of leaves you pack up.”

With that they all ran over and begin working. Laughing, I turned towards the two little girls. I asked if they will help me in the kitchen and the happily nod their heads in reply.

Over all the day was fun as the kids helped me around the yard. Growing up, I didn’t hang out with many kids, so it was nice to interact with them. They told me that they all lived close by and knew Erik, Alexis, and the twins. Also I learned more about the hillbillies that harassed me in town. The leader of the group is named Randall and went crazy when his wife left him for a man who lived up here and then he claimed that he was a werewolf. The others in his gang are either family or people who are afraid of him.

“Why doesn’t anyone in town do something about Randall?” I ask John, who is the oldest of the group.

“Well everyone is afraid of him and his granddaddy is the mayor and his uncle is the sheriff,” John replied.

As he told me that I look at the other children and I could see that they were really fearful of him and his followers. Also I could tell that if they did something he would do something crazy. Changing the subject by going in to get the fresh homemade cookies and the strawberry kiwi Kool-Aid. Yes, I love Kool-Aid. Also I love Lunchables and I will eat and drink them until I am ninety, so sue me.

As I walked out, I notice Erik and another man walking out of the woods. I sat down the tray and told the girls to get theirs first, the boys groaned so I gave them an evil eye and they shut up and waited. Both Erik and mystery man laugh at that. Once they were done, Erik looks at me with a sheepish grin.

 “Go ahead and help yourself,” I laugh out and Erik quickly grabs a handful of cookies.

I look over to the other guy and my stomach starts doing back flips. This guy was handsome and that’s the least I could say. He was a good foot taller than me and his shoulders were wide and I could tell he was built very well. He was rugged looking, but was super-hot. His brown hair was cut short on the sides and a little longer on top. But what really pop was his steel grey eyes which I have seen them somewhere, but I’m not sure where.

“Hey my name is Jace, Alexis is my little sister and she has made quite a commotion about you,” said this sex god.

His voice made my skin prick up with goose bumps, it was deep and smooth like an expensive glass of bourbon. It was driving me crazy that one guy I just met made me crave to do hot, steamy things in bed with him. I mean I usually have guys trying to kidnap, let’s just say he can so totally kidnap me, I’ll go willingly.  

Extending my hand, I said, “Well it’s nice to meet you and I guess you know my name already.”

Laughing he holds my hand and it was the most magical thing I ever felt. It was like fireworks were sizzling over my skin. I could feel my heart beating fast. I was extremely caught off guard. At first I couldn’t form any words, but after a moment and mentally slapping myself in the face, I was able to pull it all together.

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