Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

                Danni’s POV

That night I decided to relax with a frozen pizza and a glass of white wine. I’m curled up on the sofa watching old reruns of Boy Meets World, my all-time favorite show. I suddenly had an unsettling feeling come over me. I got up and looked out through the windows. I see nothing, but I made sure everything was locked and that I had some weapons spread out.

I walk upstairs to my bathroom and began to feel up the old claw foot tub. Taking out my contacts and pulling my hair up, I undress and hop in the warm bath. As I lay in the tub, my mind went back to Jace. Every time I thought about him my core heats up and my hands gets sweaty and my stomach throws a fiesta. He makes me think things I shouldn’t and I yearn for his touch. God, I need to wake up, we can never be together! I am wanted by so many people and putting him and his family could be put in danger.

Softly sighing to myself, I get out of the now cold bath. I dry off and put on a lose top and shorts before walking into my room. Lying down on my bed, I close my eyes and I feel myself quickly falling into a dream with Jace. Great, he even invades my sleep.

Next thing I know I hear a loud bang coming from down stairs. At first I am scared straight, not knowing what to do. But I regain my senses and jump into kick ass mode. Grabbing my 9 mm I quietly walk down the hallway. 

Coming to the top of the stairs, I look down to see movement. At the last second I hear someone behind me, but I was too late. The guy bear hugs me, but I’m able to squeeze me arm out of his hold and elbow him hard in the face a couple time hearing the cracking of his nose. I can feel him losing his balance so I rotate him so as we fall down the stairs, he was taking the blunt of the force. Once we came to the bottom of the stairs, I roll away from him and I am in a daze.

I notice my gun is missing and quickly I scramble around looking for it when I see it at the entrance of the kitchen. Jumping at the gun knowing it is my life line; it’s kicked away from me. Looking up to the person, I see the calculating face of Randall. Next thing I know he kicks me in the face.

The steel of his boots continue banging into my body as I try to roll away. With all the pain he was driving into my body, I couldn’t focus on any of my elements.

All I could do was feel pain. Then I feel him gripping my hair and saying, “Pay back is a bitch!” 

Suddenly all Randall’s followers come rushing in with fear in their eyes. Someone yells their coming, their coming while somebody else yells there’s too many. I had no idea who they were talking about, but whoever it was better hurry up. I hurt so bad that I can’t function and can’t defend myself. At that moment not my body was bruised, but my ego was hurting that some hick got the best of me. 

Out of nowhere Randall grabs me by my arms and I hear a loud snap in my left shoulder. He quickly opens the door that lend down to the basement and he pushes me into darkness. Falling down the steps, I cover my head letting my damaged shoulder take the hit of each step. Once I'm at the bottom, I look up to see Randall looking down at me with a sicken grin.

“I’ll be down in a minute you tease, got to make sure your little friends are taken care of and then we can play.” Randall barks out before slamming the door and locking it.

Standing up on wobbly legs, I find the light and walk over to a mirror and look at the damage. I am already bruising and I know that I broke some ribs. But what scares me most was how my left arm is hanging limp. That asshole dislocated my shoulder! Trying to calm myself down, I can hear howling outside and gun fire.

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