Stiles thinks for a second before answering. "No."

"Yes." I quickly bud in. "It prevents excessive power from being allocated to one wheel, and so it keeps both wheels in powered rotation, ensuring that the traction will not be limited to the wheel which can handle the minimum amount of power." I state correctly by memory as Stiles and the mechanic stare at me in shock. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't know anything about cars."

"Yeah, coming on more like fifteen-hundred." The mechanic states before getting back to work.

"Okay. Just finish." Stiles says. "We'll be back here, seething with impotent rage." Stiles opens the door leading back to the front room only to touch something slimy on the handle. "Oh. Nice. It's real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running here." We walk into the front room as Stiles wipes some of the slime on me.

"Ew. Stiles that's disgusting." I say a little disgusted as I wipe the goo on my jeans. A picture catches my eye as I see the mechanic in the picture dressed in Lacrosse gear from Beacon hills. "Uh, figures."

Stiles takes out his phone to text someone as I see his hands start to shake and his phone slips from his hands. "Hey!" Stiles yells out before I'm able to ask if he's okay.

That catches my attention as I look through a big window that leads to the back room where the mechanic is working. I look to Stiles' jeep to see a clawed hand. "Hey!" I yell out also trying to catch the guys attention.

I get a closer look as I see the clawed hand belongs to the giant lizard and it scratches the back of the mechanics neck which makes him fall to the floor. I hear a thud behind me and I quickly turn around to see that Stiles collapsed onto the floor as well.

I quickly drop to the floor to cradle Stiles' head as I feel this weird feeling go throughout my body, but it quickly fades away. With shakey hands I try my best to grab Stiles' phone to dial nine-one-one as the stand that Stiles' jeep is sitting on starts to lower with the mechanic underneath it.

The guy starts to yell for help.

"Z - Zoey, y - your eyes." Stiles tries his best to speak through being paralyzed and I look into the reflection of the door to see my eyes a bright purple.

The mechanics yells for help is cut off when the jeep lands on top of him and kills him.

I look away quickly holding Stiles closer to me as I feel my eyes go back to normal and I hear a loud hiss to see the lizard in front of the door before quickly disappearing.

"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"


Stiles and I are sitting in an ambulance with cop cars all around us while we are talking to Sheriff Stilinski.

"I told you, I just - we walked in and we saw the jeep on top of the guy, that's all." Stiles tells his dad.

"What's wrong with your hand?" He asks Stiles as he shakes it trying to get the rest of the feeling back in it from being paralyzed by the creature.

"Nothing." He quickly says.

"Can we just get out of here now?" I politely ask him.

"Look, if there's something you two don't think you can tell me..." Sheriff Stilinski starts but Stiles cuts him off.

"You think we're lying?"

"No, of course not. I'm just worried about the both of you. Now, if you saw someone do this, if you're afraid that maybe they're gonna come back and make sure you don't say anything about it..."

No Control -> S. Stilinski {2}Where stories live. Discover now