"I can try though," Jace said sweetly and leaned back into her lips and kissed her again. "Or we can just keep doing this. You don't seem to complain about this."

Clary giggled through their kisses and wrapped her arms around Jace's neck, pulling him in closer and threading her fingers into his hair. The couple pressed together so tightly Clary felt they might merge into one whole person.

Jace had reached up and pulled the straps of her dress down and off her shoulders and started kissing on her neck and shoulders, to her collarbone and her chest. Clary's head fell back as she let Jace touch her in only a way that he was allowed to touch. She let him pick her up and carry her up the stair, even though it was an awkward position with her watermelon belly. But she didn't care, and neither did Jace.

Jocelyn sat at the large table at the Lightwoods manor with Luke next to her, holding her cold hand tightly and Robert and Maryse across from them. "I think it's time we come up with a better way to protect the children. I don't think Sebastian is going to make his move until the baby is born, and he'll take Clary with him while she is still vulnerable." Maryse spoke with her voice strong and unwavering. "I asked Magnus to come down here as well because he is capable of creating the wards to prevent Sebastian from getting into the Herondale manor. I also asked Isabelle, Alec, and Simon to come as well because sadly there is no way we can keep them out of this either. Isabelle and Alec are deeply concerned for their niece or nephew, and there is no way in hell to stop those two. And I assume the same is for Simon, but he is also a good choice to protect Clary because of his mark. No one will try to attack him, and if we're lucky, Sebastian will try and he'll die in the process."

"You act like we haven't been thinking of the same thing," Jocelyn said. "I mean, it's my daughter we are talking about. As well as my grandchild."

Robert stood and glared at Jocelyn. "Yes, she is your daughter, but Jace is also our son, and that baby is our grandchild too. And we have considered Clarissa our daughter from the day that Jace told us he loved her. We could never treat her any different. So, don't act like you are the only one who cares, Jocelyn."

Jocelyn tightened her lips together, knowing how much he said was true. "So, what do you want from us. Clearly, we have already thought the same things. What can we even do? They don't want us at their house, that much has been made obvious."

"That's because they don't want your hovering, Jocelyn." A voice perched from the hallway making them all turn. "They let us go over there," Isabelle continued. "It's because we don't try and force anything on them. Not to mention they like talking to us because they know they won't face judgement and feel like they are any less."

It was no mistake. Isabelle never really like Jocelyn, and she clearly wasn't warming up to her at all. Isabelle formed an opinion about people fast and it was very hard to change her mind. With Clary, at first, she didn't like her, but that was because she was a girl who caught the attention of everyone around her. She was just a small mundane girl who could see them, but she had to admit, even then, Clary kind of fascinated her. But over time, she realized how courageous and incredible Clary truly was.

She was willing to dive head first into anything on sheer guts because it was for the people she loved and she had a conscious that could only be described as independent, strong, loving, and almost fearless. She didn't care what happened to her, as long as the she accomplished her mission. And that was something you never found. Especially in a mundane, or a Shadowhunter with no training.

Clary was definitely an exception. And when she risked her life over and over again for Isabelle's family, that was all she could do to love her too. Clary was just an easily loveable person.

City of Heavenly Fire: My VersionWhere stories live. Discover now