Love Always, Mom & Dad

After reading the letter my dad wrote, I let the tears fall down for the parents I lost; for the man that I left behind, for the life I was always afraid to have. My parents probably always knew that they would die for me. They had known all along. I cried till no more tears would come out and I just sat there in a daze, thinking about everything my dad said. Closing my eyes I notice it isn’t raining anymore, but it is too quite. There was no birds chirping, no frogs ribbiting; no sounds at all.

I get up and look around, it’s only about nine in the morning and no one is out on the water yet. All of a sudden I hear growling and banging on the front door. Running into the bedroom, I shut and lock the door before pushing every piece of furniture in front of the door. Before I run back out I grab a vase and smash it against the wall and take the biggest part and cut through the screen on the pouch.

Once I am through the screen, I steady myself on to the ledge and use my wind element to guide me down. As soon as I am half down I hear someone bust through the bedroom door.

When I land, I look and see men and wolves coming through the over grown grass and trees blocking my way out. I run towards the pier and the boat when I hear a gun shot and feel something whiz pass my arm. Holy crap they are shooting at me; that's not cool.

I hear someone calling my name, but I don’t stop for anything. I use my earth element to make the earthquake and then I use my thunder and lightning to scare them away and to tell them to back fudge off. I’m almost to the boat when I see something at the corner of my eye. Before I can blink twice, I feel a prick in my side and someone tackling me hard to the ground. I don’t know where they came from, but I am fighting with everything I have.

I can feel my energy leaving my body and everything is spinning. The guy’s face is a blur and everything he is saying sounds like the adults in Charlie Brown. I try getting up, but he easy slaps me back down. My heart is beating fast and my breathing is labored; what did he stick me with? Before everything goes black I see a man walking up and the only thing I really notice is his cold eyes. As I pass out all I hear is, Hello my dearest Danielle, floating through the wind.

                Jace’s POV 

The plane finally lands around ten in the morning and I had arranged for three vehicles to be waiting at the air strip when we land. We left last night at midnight and as we flew we went over the house plans and the area. Gretchen's friends are on standby; they’re our last resort if things go bad.   

We divide into the vehicles and head out towards Danni’s family beach house. Erik, Gretchen, Billy, and I are in the first car, and the rest are in the other two. No one is talking as we make the twenty minute journey. Finally we reach Sunset Drive and pass the mail box that reads 131 on the side. Pulling to the side of the road, you can’t see the house through the thick fog of trees and grass. Everyone jumps out and we split up and walk through the trees. Gretchen waits at the car and she will signal us with her fire element if something is wrong.

After walking for five minutes, we come to the end of the trees and see a light green house. From where I am standing, I can see that the front door is ripped off the hinges. At the sight I run up the stairs and I am hit with Jeremy’s scent. Fuck, he was here and he wanted me to know.

The down stairs was destroyed beyond belief, everything was shredded and broken. I walk up the stairs and see the pictures of Danni as a child. Most of them were broken or ripped off the walls. I come to the door at the top of the stairs that’s slightly open. Pushing forward, I see that everything in this room was destroyed as well. I walk to the door that leads to a screened in pouch and I see that the screen was cut. I also see drops of scarlet blood and know that it is Danni’s.

Looking out towards the back of the house, I see how Danni used her earth element since the whole yard was covered with debris. Going through the screen, I hop down easily and walk to the pier. It looks like she was upstairs when they bust through the front door, she cut her hand while cutting through the screen, and made it down to the ground where she made it half way to the boat. I see little darts all along the pier; there was some kind of liquid in them.  

I finally come to a point where I see more of Danni’s blood; I know this is where they took her down. Erik walks up and hands me a piece of paper that says;

If you come after her, I will kill her. Don’t make me do it.

          - J. Lucas  

As soon as I see the note I punch my hand through the railing and rush to the house. When I get inside I see Gretchen holding a picture from when Danni was little and she is hugging her dad. This is the first time I have ever seen her cry. I now know that not only do I have to get Danni back for me, but for all those who are around her.

                Jeremy’s POV

I finally have her. After all these years I have her. I look back at her as she is knocked out from the dart. Her arms and legs are bound with zinc and lead chains that drain her energy so she can’t use her elements. That is what was in the dart mixed with opioid to knock her out cold. Beforehand she did put up a good fight. The earthquake, thunder, and lighting was a good touch to make use back off, but my men are more afraid of me than her.

My right hand man, Damon was able to creep up along the pier and shoot her with the dart and then tackle her to the ground. Even after that she fought back. The only problem with that is it is going to be hard to break. She has a fighting spirit and I know I will have to use physical force on her.

I look back at her and study her angelic features. She has dyed her hair red, I like it better blond but the red doesn’t bother me. I hated it when it was black, it didn't suit her. I wish I can see her mix-matched eyes, but I have to wait to see them when she wakes up.

We make it back to the pack house and I get out before lifting Danielle into my arms. I take her into my room and lay her down gently. I stand there for a moment and enjoy my prize I have finally won. Kissing her forehead, I leave her there so she can rest before we meet face to face. 

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