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Jimin I think we need to take a break.

Wait what why?
Is this because of all the fights?
Or me not having sex with you?
Baby I just don't think I'm ready

I think it's the best thing for me
I need some space.


unho please

Your chat is pending until Junhoe💪 adds you as a friend!

I'll change it promise please

Your chat is pending until Junhoe💪adds you as a friend!

Jimin winces as he looks back at his old messages between him and his boyfriendㅡ

That's if....they're still dating.

He had unfriended Jimin on every social media and hadn't replied to any of his messages.

They hadn't spoken in three weeks.

Seokjin peered over his best friends shoulder, shaking his head as he read everything.

"Okay!" Seokjin spoke up, clasping his hands together to get Jimin attention.

"We're going to a festival which means music, alcohol and cute guys."

Jimin looked up at the older male with a slight pout.

He didn't agree to going, his best friend was just dragging him along because he didn't want the boy getting sick all cooked up in his apartment all day.

"Do you think Junho will be there?" Jimin speaks up, unsure if he meant the question in a positive or negative way.

Seokjin sighed. "If he is there I'll shank him. The way he's treated you is just stupid and childish. And not even replying to your texts-" he took a deep breath, not even finishing his sentence to avoid being angry.

He pulled on a smile before pulling his friend up off the bed, exposing him to the full length mirror.

Jimin marvelled at the sight.

"Jin hyung your makeup skills are amazing!" He complimented.

"I know" He smiled triumphantly from behind the smaller. "I'm the best."

JintasticBaby👑's Story

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Hyung who dat?

My best friend Jimin
Why do you ask?

Just wondering 👋

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