shelley 🧡

bunny 🐰
He calls me pretty much every night when he's not in Atlanta.
Plus he wanted to talk to Sebastian.

shelley 🧡
No, I know that he calls you all the time
But who the hell is Scott?

bunny 🐰
His brother???

shelley 🧡
Oh right!
God I'm so bad with names
It's alright, I'll talk to him tomorrow

bunny 🐰
What's the deal with you two?

shelley 🧡
What do you mean?

bunny 🐰
I mean that you tortured me for months cause you wanted to meet him, then you met him, shamelessly flirted with him and even elaborated a plan to make him fall for you, and now that he has, you don't even want to kiss him?
What the holy hell is wrong with you?

shelley 🧡
I do want to kiss him
Trust me, I REALLY want to

bunny 🐰
Then why don't you do it?

shelley 🧡
Cause I never truly thought he could fall for me! And now that he says he has I'm kinda freaking out about all the things that could go wrong if we got together and it didn't work out

bunny 🐰
You've got to be kidding me.

shelley 🧡
No Bunny I'm serious!
He's your best friend and I am too, what if we got together and then broke up? I could never ask you to choose between us.

bunny 🐰

shelley 🧡
And what if I accidentally serves him Cocoa Puffs for breakfast and kill him?

bunny 🐰
You wouldn't kill him wtf
His face would become all red and swollen but he wouldn't die!

shelley 🧡
What if he snores?

bunny 🐰
What the??
He doesn't!

shelley 🧡
What if he leaves his clothes all over the room?

bunny 🐰
He does, but you do too!
Stop making up excuses Shelley!

shelley 🧡
And what if he's convinced he wants to be with me now but it's actually only because he thinks it's the only way you all will forgive him once and for all for sleeping with another girl?

bunny 🐰
Is this really the reason why you keep him distant? Because you're scared he's not telling the truth?

shelley 🧡
I mean, yeah I guess
I do really like him June but after what happened I don't know if I can trust him. And I know it happened months ago and we weren't even together but he flirted with me the whole night, then got wasted and slept with another girl.

bunny 🐰
Okay look.
Chris might seem like the confident and cocky guy who's got everything in control and doesn't care much about anything. Well it's bullshit.
He's sensitive and caring and as bad as you are with feelings.
Do you wanna know why I think he slept with that girl on the premiere night? I think he slept with her cause he realised he was catching feelings for you and freaked out. He wanted to prove himself he wasn't in love with the girl who always eats on his bed and leaves crumbles everywhere. But he is.
And I'm not saying this just because he is my best friend, but because I know the guy better than he knows himself and he cares so much about you.

shelley 🧡
Did he tell you that?

bunny 🐰
He doesn't need to.
He texted you every single day for months when you weren't talking to him, he even asked Tom what he could do to make it up to you , and he sang you a freaking serenade ffs!

shelley 🧡
So he really likes me?
Really really really?

bunny 🐰
Really really really.
Gtg now, Sebastian just got out of the shower and we made a promise we would ignore our phones the whole day!

shelley 🧡
Alright try and not freeze the poor man with your iceberg-y feet

bunny 🐰
Bucky was frozen for 70 years, he'll stand a few hours 😌

shelley 🧡
You're such a nerd.

bunny 🐰
But you love me 😌

shelley 🧡
Of course I do

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