With that she and Malia walked out of the clinic. They were followed by Lydia who only glared at the others. Corey and Mason sent apologetic looks to Liam before following the strawberry blonde female.

Scott and Derek stared at their packmates before looking at the others.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna follow Stiles. I don't trust Peter and I don't know who these new people are. They could be potential threats to our territory." Scott explained before walking out of the clinic towards his dirt bike.


Stiles sat in his father's office, almost unable to contain his excitement.

The station had noticed the change in his nature and we're happy to see the Stiles they knew return. Since returning from WICKED he had been more quiet, serious and had an air of loneliness around him. It was a huge difference from the sarcastic, hyperactive boy he was. Stiles hadn't been that quiet since his Claudia had died when he was younger. Even then he'd still had been relatively hyperactive because of his ADHD. After being kidnapped though, it was almost as if he'd never had it.

Isaac and Peter were sat next to him on the couch in Noah's office. They had never seen Stiles this excited, even before the Maze Trials. They, of course shared his excitement. The two wolves had heard a lot of stories about the odd pack that had been through hell. From the phone call they knew that the alpha was coming as well as Minho, Frypan and Gally. From what the two could remember, Trix was a werefox that had taken to being Stiles' older sister and mentor. She was one of his most trusted friends along with the banshee, Minho. Gally was the only wolf in the small group coming and had an odd friendship with Stiles. One that almost mirrored Stiles and Jackson's newly formed friendship. Frypan was the cook of the Glade and was also the witch that scared even their alpha at the best of times. There were others that Stiles had mentioned, like Brenda and Jorge, who didn't appear to be joining them.

The door opening had the three turning their heads. Sheriff Stilinski had entered the office with a look of curiosity on his tired face. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, Stiles beat him to it.

"Dad! Trix and the others are coming to town!" he practically yelled.

Noah's expression melted into a wide grin. He had briefly met the group a few times when they'd been in the next town over. The main four he'd met seemed to bring the best out of Stiles. He smiled, was sarcastic and almost his previous self when he was around them.

"Actually, I think they're outside. I just heard an SUV park up." Peter interrupted. "It seems like they might have misjudged the time it would take them to be here. They're almost an hour early."

Stiles' eyes briefly flashed gold as he ran towards the front of the station. The others followed his at a slower pace only to see the mole covered boy jumping onto a pale, leather clad figure. They embraced for a few minutes before he released them to reveal Trix.

"Bloody hell Tommo, I guess I underestimated your excitement."

She turned to the group who accompanied him out of the station. Dark aviators masked her eye colour but did nothing to hide the scars on her face. Claw marks covered a portion of the right side of her face by her eye region. Another scar took up residence on the left side off her face. It looked to start from just above her dark eyebrow to the corner of her lips and curved almost unnoticeably. Her snow-white hair covered some of her face, hiding some of the damage but it was still visible. Her skin was a pale like the silvery light of the moon. She stood at around 5 foot 7 with blue lips that made her look as if she was suffering from sickle-cell anemia or hypothermia. Of course, they all knew different.

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