Our Past, His Present, Your Future

Start from the beginning

Spencer sighed as she locked eyes with the brunette. She could tell that Ashley was in pain. Glen knew exactly what he was doing... he killed someone that Ashley knew so if Spencer ever did decide to tell Ashley, there would be almost no chance of Ashley being able to forgive Spencer.

"I'm sorry about your friend Ashley." Spencer whispered and pulled the brunette into a hug.

"Yeah me too." Ashley said as she pulled back from Spencer's embrace. She had to admit that being in Spencer's arms immediately made her feel a bit better.

"What about my brother?" Spencer asked in a low voice. She didn't want the answer to the question, but she needed to know what Ashley knew. With Glen shutting her out for the past few weeks she had no idea what was going on.

Ashley grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the crowd. "I'm sorry that I have to ask this. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, but I have to ask." Spencer took a deep steadying breath. "The last victim... well there was a witness that put your brother outside of the building shortly before the body was discovered and I'm just wondering if you knew why he was there? My boss wants me to bring him in for questioning but I wanted to talk to you first Spencer because I know that if it were my family I'd want that same courtesy. So I'm asking you, do you know anything?"

Spencer contemplated her options. Tell the truth, let it all out right here and now or lie... yet again.

She really was getting sick of covering for him. But Glen had protected her so many times when they were kids; from bullies, mean girls, hurtful strangers and parents of other kids that found out what had gone down between their mom and the woman she left their father for. Their childhood was anything but easy, and Glen had always had Spencer's back. And when her parents looked at her to protect him as they grew older she never really hesitated because of that fact.

"Which building was this?"

"Midtown, the Arlo. It's just that a witness said they saw him leaving. Here." Ashley reached into her back pocket and pulled out the sketch the witness had produced. Spencer unfolded it and stared at it. It was Glen alright. There was absolutely no denying it. The sketch artist got every detail right, down to his smirk. "I'm sorry I have to—"

"No," Spencer shook her head, folding back up the paper Ashley handed her. "I get it. You're doing your job. Um, I'm not sure why he would have been coming out of that building." Spencer told a half-truth instead of a whole lie.

"Do you know if his girlfriend maybe lives there or-"

"I'm not sure." She shrugged. She was done covering for him. She wasn't going to flat out tell on him but she was done being his clean-up crew.

"Darn. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to bring him in. I'm sorry, you understand that I-"

"You want me to text him and let him know to meet you at the station?" Spencer asked as she noticed Ashley's partner headed over towards them.

"Yeah. That'd be great thank you. And thank you for being so understanding about this. I know he's your brother and I'm sure there's a good reason for him being there."

Spencer forced a smile but didn't reply as Avery reached them.

"I thought I told you to go home, Davies."

"When do I ever listen to you, Avery?"

Avery smiled and shook his head at the smaller brunette. "This is true." He said and turned to look at Spencer. "And who might this be?" He asked, looking back to Ashley. Ashley blushed and bit her lip to keep from smiling too wide. She hated how much she liked the blonde in such a short time and how the blonde had such an effect on her. The weeks they weren't talking were miserable for Ashley.

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