Kouta's Temporary Guardian

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"Kouta? You have everything?" A woman's voice called out to the attention of a young boy who was still putting away some stuff in a luggage. Clothes, bathroom utilities such as toothbrush, pasted, wash, and floss. The small child put a ball inside as well just in case his new temporary home had nothing but boredom for him.

The woman with red short hair walked towards the boy and knelt down next to him to help with the packing up process.

For the past few days Kouta had being silent and kept to himself when he heard the news of him being housed in the dormitories of U.A. It wasn't his decision but his aunt Shino Sosaki or better known as Mandalay the pro Hero and Leader of the Pussycats. He did not know why she made that decision for him but he wasn't happy about it at all.

"Why?" Kouta whispered which was heard by his aunt as she looked at the boy while still holding some of his clothes. "Why do I have to go?" Kouta's words hit Shino like daggers entering her heart. Of course she did not want this to her nephew but he will eventually understand as time goes on.

Shino, she couldn't feel the need to put Kouta in anymore danger than he already had been through. The loss of his parents, build up resentment towards villains and heroes, and the recent attack in the forest. All of these were something that a child should not have experienced, not so early in their lives. The Pro-Hero sighed at the thought of the boy next to her must be feeling.

She couldn't do anything at the time of the attack besides hold of some villains. Her nephew was in danger and needed her while she was fighting another battle. The responsibility of being a hero is indeed heavy even for those who are thick skin, unyielding will, and mighty perseverance but in the end it those the best of hero's from the harms of themselves or their loved ones.

This was such a case with the Professional Hero Mandalay. Of course in her heart she wanted Kouta to be safe growing up and near her presence to help soothe some of the pain away but she knew that if anything went wrong who can take care of Kouta for the time being.

Reaching out to U.A. after All Mights final battle before his sudden retirement was a huge thing to request. As the number one hero had forever stoped his well gratitude of service to man. This was another fear that came up, crime and catastrophes.

Being a hero whether in the rescue division or battle division it was always a challenge to face for both types of heroism. Shino was always a rescue hero along side her team that she leads today the Pussycats yet the will have to have combat experience as well since it was a vital key in helping out with conflicts if the only answer was action through attacks.

It hurts her that she requested U.A. to look after her nephew when she felt that things could be even more danger on that end. But at least if anything happened she had more faith that the staff of U.A. would keep him safe then when Kouta is living along side her.

She would worry less in the sense that Kouta wouldn't have to wait for her and her team to return from a mission and the fact that Kouta would be better secured with heroes and heroes in training.

But it did cause her some new questions but were to be answered in a positive light. Such as how will her own nephew get along with the crowd that he resented so long? Only to have an answer like maybe he will make friends and it will help pass that issue. That was one of the many small questions that can be answered by her own positive outlook and intellect.

"I know you don't like this idea as much as I but I want to keep you safe." Shino said as she put down the pair of clothes in the luggage before turning her body completely to face Kouta who was now looking down at the floor. "Safe?... But aren't I safe here with you?!" Kouta did not really exclaimed it enough but nonetheless had an impact on the Auntie.

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