I smile at the fact that he called me aunt, I quickly reply, “Well I’ll have to frame them and hang them in my room so I can see them every day.”

The twins smile at that and run off to probably find something to get into. Laughing we settle around the table.

“Grandma I was wondering if you like to move into my old house down the road. Its fully furnish and it will give you some space, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” I ask.

Jace adds, “If you want we can ride down now to see it and then you can decide.”

“I would like that very much.” She answers with a smile.

Once we drive down to the house, she instantly falls in love with the house like I did on my first day here. As I’m showing her around, Jace’s cell phone rings and excuses himself. He walks out before he answers it, leaving us in the kitchen. I can scene it is something important.

Walking back in after a few minutes, Jace says, “I have to go and handle some business. I’ll leave the truck for you both to get back home safely.”

“Ok be careful, I promise we won’t be too long.” I answer before kissing him goodbye.

Smiling he hands me the keys and walks off into the woods. I hate seeing him go, but he is the Alpha. I continue showing Grandma the house and she agrees to move in. After talking about what she wants to change and improve it feels like someone is watching us as we sit on the back pouch.

“Hey why don’t we head back to the pack house and figure out what you need and tomorrow we can go to town.” I ask as I look around.

I guess she feels uncomfortable too, so we lock up the house and leave. As I drive down the main road that leads to the pack house, I glance out the side window and I thought I see a brown wolf running through the trees, but when I look again I see nothing. Shaking my head clear, I silently pray that Jace is ok.

                Jeremy’s POV 

Traveling to Wisconsin was a pain in the ass, but I wanted to see for myself if Danielle is actually here. I had a feeling that Luke would come to me, I didn’t expect for him to tell me that Jace and my Danielle are mates. I really don’t care if he has mated her yet, all I care is having her in the end.

I watch the Silver Moon Pack house all night. I stay far enough away so I am not seen and I had a chemical spray that hides my scent. Finally it’s after ten when Danielle emerges from the house and I can feel my mouth water at the sight of her. She is wearing a pair of dark shorts that hit mid-thigh and cream of the shoulder thin sweater. I have been after her for years and I have watched her blossom into a beautiful woman.

My anger flares up when I see Jace Silvers emerge from the back door and looks lovingly at my Danielle. She belongs to me and me only.

I continue watching as I see Danielle talking to an older woman who has been painting with two twin boys. I am not close enough to fully hear everything they are saying, but I do pick up that the old woman is Danielle’s grandmother and they are going to look at a house near bye.

When the boys run off towards the house, I follow Danielle and the others to a black ford truck and they take off down the road. I change into my dark brown wolf and follow behind them. After running for ten minutes they pull off to a dirt road and pull up to a white house. I stay back into the woods and watch as Danielle and her grandmother arm in arm as they walk to the pouch with Jace smiling behind them. I wanted to punch that grin off his face.

They spend some time walking around the house when I see Jace walking out on to the pouch with his phone to his ear.

“Do they know how old the scents are in the area? Ok I’ll be there as soon as possible; also did the information on Lucas come in yet? Ok good I’ll meet you there.” Jace says into the phone before walking back inside.

So he has formation on me; I have to put my plan into action sooner than I thought. I see all of them on the pouch again and I ease my way closer. They say their goodbyes as Danielle reaches up and kisses Jace on the lips. I feel my body shake with anger; she should be kissing me and not that mutt. 

I watch as Jace runs off in the opposite direction from me and that leaves Danielle and her grandmother alone. I smile at that. After a few minutes of them being back in the house, they come back to the pouch and talk. Creeping closer I step on a twig and see Danielle looking around towards the woods. After a few seconds she turns away and they go back in.

A minute later they come back out and lock the front door. They both hop in the truck and take off towards the pack house. I stay with them as they are driving and I see that Danielle looking out the side window. I slow down so she doesn’t see me; I don’t want to put her on alarm. Once they get home they go inside and I sit there patiently waiting for the prefect moment to get what belongs to me. 

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