VIII. Welcome to Hell

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The first thing Hoseok did once Yoongi drove off is stumble to his neighbor's house to pick up some much needed medication. The cherry door opened to reveal a tall man with a mask over his face, as per usual when dealing with his customers. "Ah, you again; the usual?"

Hoseok nodded as he fished money out of his wallet, his hands trembling from weakness. "You seem a little off," the man said, his grin hidden behind the mask. He could smell withdrawal from a mile away. "I'm gonna throw in something extra to take the edge off because I care, so, so much."

The red door closed for a brief moment before opening again. The man gave Hoseok two bottles in a bag and Hoseok gave the man his money. "Th-thank--" The door slammed.

Hoseok shrugged and bee-lined to his and Jimin's cold, empty house and went straight to the nearest faucet in the kitchen. His tears crashed around him, unable to take the absence of his boyfriend any longer. Hoseok took seven of his usuals before inspecting the new bottle. Ativan. He's never heard of this before, but decided to start off with four anyway before slumping down on the floor and sobbing into his knees.

Jimin was Hoseok's everything. Living day after day without his everything was beginning to catch up to him. This is why he needed to take these pills, he needed them. He needed to dull the pain at all costs. That's all this was, just him trying to feel better about Jimin working 'round the clock. Right?

Hoseok rocked himself, nearly rocking himself to sleep when he heard it. "J-J-J...." he frowned. "Jim-min?" he said, looking up. Nothing. Hoseok swore he heard the door open, so he stood up to get a better look.

Dumbass. You know he left you, the cranky Voice said. Hoseok muttered a 'shut up' as he wiped away the beads of sweat that had accumulated on his upper lip. He walked unsteadily around the house, bumping into every piece of furniture and every wall in sight.

Hoseok called out Jimin's name over and over again, hoping that some miracle had brought the man of his dreams back home. All the while, the cranky Voice degraded him every chance it got.

He had checked every room and wound up back in the kitchen, feeling defeated. The Voice was getting louder and louder, Hoseok's ears beginning to ring. "Shhhhh," he told it, "S-S-Stop..." The Voice paid no mind, proceeding to scream at Hoseok for being so stupid and worthless.

You're stupid to think that man would come back to a piece of shit like you. I know that you ate, Hoseok. I know what you did! You're a fucking disgrace and you know it! Jimin's gone because you can't do anything right!

The man knew he was in trouble with the Voice and panic settled in. I've gotta make a run for it. He dashed right out the front door before tripping and falling in the driveway. It should have hurt, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins masked the minor pain. He looked up at Jimin's parked luxury sedan, the same vehicle that has been sitting there for years.

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