IV. Too Skinny

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"Welcome to Wonhae Manhi Candy where―" Min Yoongi paused his greeting to take in Hoseok's hollow, pale appearance. His face had thinned considerably since Yoongi last laid eyes on his favorite customer. "Wow, you look terrible."

It took Hoseok a moment to realize that the employee was, in fact, talking to him because he's never heard Yoongi speak to a customer informally before. Hoseok scratched the back of his neck, the corner of his mouth twitching upward in an awkward half-grin. "Y-Yeah..." Hoseok raised his eyebrows as he scanned Yoongi from head to toe. Hair a bit tousled, a tiny hint of stubble on his chin and around his mouth, bloodshot eyes with dark circles from hell, Yoongi looked like his nights have been rough. "Well-well, yuh don' l-look hand-handsome l-like usual." It was a meaningless comment, or so Hoseok thought. He became a little worried when he saw the shorter male's face flush.

Yoongi fanned himself, suddenly feeling hot. "Yeah, um, so anyway... Do you need help finding anything, sir?" Yoongi was desperate to change the subject and thanked the heavens when Hoseok didn't question his behavior.

Hoseok stared off into space for a moment before muttering, "Sum'n f-foreign."

"Well, the exotic candies are located here on these shelves," Yoongi said with his customer-winning grin, gesturing towards the white shelves in the middle of the store. His lips curved down into a frown when Hoseok shook his head with a pout on his face.

"N-n-no. I-I need yuh." Hoseok paused to point at Yoongi, accidentally poking the older male's arm. Yoongi's eyes were automatically drawn towards the slender finger on his arm. "Yuh gotsta help, m-m-me. C-can't, uh...um." Yoongi trailed his focus up the customer's arm to lock eyes with the taller male who was struggling to get words off his tongue. "My, uh, b-brain wo-won't dec-cide w'thout yuh, Y..." Hoseok squinted at the man's name tag before finishing his statement. "Yoongi."

This man who rarely speaks suddenly decided to open his mouth and take Yoongi by surprise. It wasn't normal, but he wasn't complaining by any means. "Alright, well, we just got some new chocolates from Sweetzerland. Want to try that?" Hoseok nodded vigorously and walked with heavy steps to the cash register while Yoongi headed into the back of the store to grab the new chocolate candy (He was kind of breaking the rules since the candy wasn't even out on the shelves, yet...). While Yoongi was gone, Hoseok made a move to pull his wallet from his back pocket but found it empty.

"Wh-what the..." Idiot. "Sh-sh-shaddup," Hoseok hissed, sliding his other hand in the opposite back pocket. Empty. He froze, both hands in either of his blue jeans' back pockets, as Yoongi stepped behind the register with the candy in hand. He noticed Hoseok's distressed expression. The employee already knew what was up.

Yoongi got the store keys and unlocked the drawer behind the counter, pulling out a worn leather wallet. The employee smirked and held it up. "Looking for this, sir?" Hoseok stood like a statue, lost in a trance, making Yoongi roll his eyes. "Hey," Yoongi poked Hoseok's sternum with the wallet, causing him to jump. "Were you looking for this?"

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