College reunion

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Hello if you read my chapter school then you know that I put cathy instead of Betty but I just changed to Betty so I can match with this chapter

Jacob:what do we have
Aph:bacon eggs and sausage
Alex:mommy can you cut my sausage
Luna:I'm good
Ryan:can you cut mine too
Alina:me too
Jordan:I will just I eat like this
Aph:no it's a choking hastard so I have to cut it
Aaron:I hope you guys are being good to your mom
Jordan:yep of course we love mommy
Aaron: I love her too
Aph:when you and Alina are older daddy is going to be very proptective of u
Alina:why mommy
Aph:beacsue you would want a boyfriend
Aaron:would you boys be protective of Lina and Luna
Boys:of course we love them and would not want them to get hurt
Aph:Aaron it's time for you to go to work
Aaron:yeah yeah
Aph:don't show me sass young man or ill punish you
Aaron:yess mam (whispers in her ear) I want you to punish me so bad
Aph:maybe later if we can get katlyen to watch the kids
Aaron:ok I have to go to work bye kids bye baby(leaves)
Aph:bye we have to go grocery shopping today
Aph:Jacob is everything ok
Jacob:yeah it's just my teacher won't give me more homework
Aph:awww it's ok we can go to the library after we go grocery shopping
Grocery shopping
Jen:hi Aphmau
Aph:AHHHH when did you get out of jail
Jen:yesterday I realize that I made a mistake hurting you and your family now I shop Aarmau and o sorry to say I am your brother's fiancé
Aph:it's ok
Jen:hi kids I am Jenny
Luna:hello in Luna that's ryan he is Jordan the other one is Jacob and Alex and my sister Alina
Jen:nice to meet you all
Aph:hi Cathy
Jen:there is a college reunion at 5 to 8
Aph:cool is it ok to bring my kids
Jacob;mom I can't go I have a study date with my friends Anthony,dom and Jess
Aph:ok where are you guys meeting
Jacob:at the local cafe at 5:15
Aph:ok bye Jenny bye cathy
Cathy:I can't wait to invite Aaron
Jen:cathy there are somethings I need to tell you about Aaron
Jen:he is-
Cathy:so handsome he is my senpai
Jen:no cathy he is-
Cathy:I have to go find the most sextes dress ever
Aph:oh god she dosent know
Jen:I tried to tell her
Aph:it's ok bye
At 5:30
Cathy:hey omi there's Aaron
Aaron:hey Cathy Jenny aphmau~
Cathy:(blushes)hi Aaron
Jen:hey sorry about last time we meet
Aaron:it's ok I believe in second chances
Aph:so Aaron I heard you have kids
Aaron:yeah Luna Alina Alex Jordan Ryan come here
All:yes daddy
Aaron:this is Cathy and-
Alina:(tugs on aphmau dress)mommy I have to go wee wee
Luna:me to
Aph:come on kids (they leave)
Aaron:for the best 4 years
Cathy:I need to go to the bathroom
In the bathroom
Aph:now you wash your hands
Luna:I did it by myself
Alina:I did it-
Cathy:(pulls Alina's hair over to her and points a gun at her head)you know that you are a fucking whore
Chliffhager see you next episode

636 words

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