"He is super fine. Thanks to someone" she nudged back.

"When is he leaving?" I asked her.

"Tomorrow night. And that is why I wanted to meet you"

"Don't worry I'll call him to wish" I told her.

"You can do that in person today" She said smiling.

"Oh. Is he here?" I asked her looking around.

"No we are having a family dinner today with him at my house" She replied.

"Okay. So?" I asked her still confused.

"I want you to come and join us in this dinner" She said as I stood up from the bench shocked.

"No way" I said and picked up my bag to leave but she held my hand.

"Ish please. You have done a great deal for me. I want to thank you" She said with a sigh.

"You can thank me now. But I am not coming to your home Zoe that's final." I replied and waved her before jogging towards home. I didn't even turn to see her reaction. I have way too much confusion going on right now. And meeting my so called professor again out of college where he influences me like a ghost is not going to happen.

This is so beyond my daily dose of craziness. I was shaking my head thinking what sort of disaster this would be if I said okay to Zoe. And that is why I didn't notice that fact that Kath and Shiva were kissing their faces of when I came barging into the room.

They both split up like a curse being thrown upon my arrival and I stood sheepishly.

"Sorry guys" I said and moved towards my room. I am forgetting the fact that Kath is moving forward in her life and I keep on disturbing her precious moments like this. Since I don't have any chance of having any kind of fantasies like this with the person I like doesn't mean that my friend should not have.

No more craziness Ishaani Karthik. You have a degree to complete.

My phone rang when I was changing out of jeans. It was from home.

"Hey my girl" It was my dad.

"Hey dad. Is everything alright?" I asked him since it was only yesterday that we spoke and our code was to speak on alternate days.

"Perfect dear. So how was your day?" He asked quietly and I knew he is going to drop off a big bomb.

"Great dad. I have my finals for this semester next week which means I have my holidays for a month" I said hoping for the fact that maybe he wants me to come home.

"I know about that already. I saw it in your college website" he replied and I was sure that he had made some plans for this vacation.

"Oh" was all I replied waiting for him to drop it soon.

"So what do you think of spending this vacation differently?" He asked in his DAD demeanor that I laughed out aloud.

"Dad? What sup? Have you planned to make me do any project this vacay? I asked him.

"Oh no dear. Enough studying. You do that too much that you forget what fun is" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Now whose fault is that?" I asked him laughing.

"Fine. So let me correct it alright" He said and I didn't reply.

"We are coming to California this time my baby" he said as I let out a big squeal.

"Oh my god dad. Are you joking? I can't believe it" I said smiling broadly.

"No kidding my dear. We have a whole month this year to spend." He said making me jump in joy. A whole month with my family and that is what a real vacay is all about.

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