Chapter Ten

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It is one in the afternoon and I am engrossed in a really good book.

I think I have to get out of my bed. Should I shower? Nah, I'll finish reading this first.

"So, which page was I? Hmm . . . Oh, found it." I said to no one in particular.

Oh, come on! Seriously? Why can't they just confess their feelings already?

A tear sreamed down my face. This guy just said he didn't love her. No! How dare you writer! Making me feel this way! Wait, he has a girlfriend?

I am having a crying-shouting kind of moment.

I threw the book away and tugged my hair in frustration. I cooled myself down by screaming at my pillow, walking around the room, and drinking water.


"Can I come in?" I heard Ash say.

"Yeah, you already barged in anyways. What's the problem?" I asked, wiping away the tears.

He is wearing an armor suit. I guess they're training with weapons today. Aw, I think I should have joined. No, Talia won't allow me.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to know how your bruise is. Prince Charming wants an update on how you are feeling." He replied.

"Well, I feel better. Talia's medicine is helping the bruise. I don't get why all of you are making such a fuss about this." I reasoned, thinking of a possible answer.

"We're all worried about you." He explained with concern in his tone.

"Aw, shucks. Thanks Ash. Better get back to training." I thanked him and smiled.

"Yeah. Before I go, Sig asked me to give you vanilla ice cream." Ash laid the ice cream and a silver spoon at the coffee table.

"Tell him I said thank you. I haven't eaten yet." I replied and looked at the clock on top of my door. "Ash, you've got to go now. Practice will start soon."

"See you later, Sky." He waved goodbye.

In a snap, he was out of my room.

Now, where's the book?

After searching everywhere, I checked under my desk and behold! I picked up the book and saw that one of the pages got torn. Oops.

I sat down at the edge of my bed and continued reading.

After hours came by, I finally finished the epilogue. Why did it end in a cliffhanger? Why?

I cried and ate the vanilla ice cream that mysteriously did not melt.

I put the book back in the bookshelf and searched for another one. I grabbed one -The History of Dragons.

Hopefully, this won't bore me to death. Well, at least this won't make me cry.

I sat down on my bed and began reading.


Oh, I got another visitor.

"Your majesty! Nice to meet you." I greeted with a grin, standing up from my bed. I knew I should have taken a shower.

"Greetings, Skylar. I heard about the incident and wanted to see how you're doing." The king smiled, but it looked as if his mind was elsewhere. That's a good thing. He might not think too much about how I smell right now.

"I'm well your majesty." I replied, not wanting to worry him any further.

"That's good to hear, but just call me Callum. I tend to avoid fancy greetings when they aren't necessary." He explained, clearly showing his disgust for formalities.

"Alright, Callum." I said, leaving a weird feeling on my tongue. I never thought I'd be calling a king by his first name.

"I know you're resting, but I need you in my office. Come with me." His tone sounded serious.

I hope I haven't done something wrong. Is it because I didn't join practice? No, Talia let Prince Charming give me rest for a maximum of five days.

He led me to a hallway filled with animal heads, potraits of the former kings and queens, and swords of brave fallen soldiers.

Soldiers were lined up in the sides bowing whenever Callum and I passed them. Woah, they're all in sync. I wonder how much practice that took. Should I have joined training today?

At the end of the hall, two soldiers saluted and opened the doors.

"This is my office Skylar. What do you think?"

The ceiling was tall with a big glass chandelier hanging in the center. The candle lights never seemed to fade and the wax is not dripping either.

A wide table and a comfy, black chair with wheels was set up for the king and there were four sofas with red covers in each side of a small, rectangular coffee table.

A big, mahogany bookshelf was placed behind a big glass window with gold and red curtains. The other things were antiques and pictures of the royal families.

"Wow, this place is so cool!" I exclaimed, awed by the beautiful room.

"Thank you, have a seat." He said, pointing to a very comfortable sofa.

"Do not be afraid, Skylar. You did not commit any trouble. I brought you here for an important mission, but we'll discuss it after the rest of the team arrive. So, how do you think of the place?"

"The castle is wondeful. The garden, throne room, and my room is just amazing! My room is bigger than the one I had back in Hardan. Oh, and thank you for the room Callum."

"That's good to hear Skylar but, I need to go somewhere. Feel free to roam around the place. I'll come back soon." Callum exited the room, leaving me in my own thoughts.

I walked around the spacious room and wondered. Will I ever own a place like this? That would be so cool! I'd place an ice cream maker for Sig and a bookshelf of spell books for Wil. Lucinda loves chocolate fountains. I could place a huge one over here.

I looked back at my ideas and smiled. If only I was a prince, I would have all this luxury but, would it be better if I were a princess or a non-royal? Well, being a non-royal sucks. You get no privileges but when you're a royal, there's so much protocol to follow.

You have to sit without slouching and when you eat soup, you have to scoop it away from you. You can't bend your body when you eat. You can't even eat bread with your hands!

You'd have to wear such heavy-looking clothes when important visitors are coming. Wait, why am I comparing myself to them?

"You are much more than just a non-royal."


Hi! So, what do you think about this cliffhanger? Who was with Sky? Or was it Sky's subconscious? Wait for the next chapter to find out!

I'm finally going to my convention. Please include me in your prayers. Thank you!

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