Chapter 8 c:

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A/N: I haven't updated this for ages because I've had a heap of (even more) exams which I've just finished, so here's chapter 8 and a big thankyou to the five people reading this, it means a lot! :D This chapter's dedicated to 'wolfloveroha' for being one of those readers :) Enjoy, and please remember to vote and comment if you liked it or have any ideas for the next chapter!


126.) Dress up in a tracksuit, adorned with lots of bling and go up to people saying, 'Yo, yo, yo!' If they say anything to you, just reply with 'yo' refusing to say anything else.

127.) Leave your house with a walking stick and, pretending that you're old, whack people with the stick if they get in your way, claiming that your eyesight is getting bad and you though they were giant rats.

128.) Go around town with a box of pizza, asking people if they would like to buy some. Every time somebody says no, continue to follow them for 5 minutes before throwing the pizza into their face, yelling 'You can have it for free now!'

129.) When someone tries to talk to you, start making the noise of a random animal and continue until they ask what you're doing. Say you are not in fact yourselff but said animal.

130.) Go to the cinema, bringing lots of food with you and eating really loadly throughout the whole film. Whenever there's a sad scene, laugh hysterically.

131.) Go to the swimming pool with a bottle of orange juice, spraying it at people before laughing and telling everyone that they wet themselves. See how long it takes for you to be thrown out.

132.) Go up to random groups of boys, asking if they are one direction and whether you  can have their autographs, in a creepy, extremely high voice.

133.) Ask random people if they would like to see your collection of other people's used chewing gum and if they have anything to contribute.

134.) Turn up at somebody's house and claim that you're their long lost homeless relative, force your way in and proceed to eat them out of house and home before leaving, saying that you have 'relatives to meet and more food to eat'.

135.) Talk to somebody whilst staring above or to the side of their head. When they notice, pretend that you weren't talking to them, you were speaking with your imaginary friend behind them.

136.) Telll all your friends that you can't hang out with them because you're busy partying with your new BFFLs, your parents.

137.) Carry a fluffy toy around with you and sit next to a random person. Start talking to them and including the fluffy toy in the corversation. See how long it takes for the person to run off, creeped out! xD

138.) Come up with different names for everyone you know and every time they remind you of their actual name, pretend you can't hear them.

139.) Go into a public toilet and try to make up an awkward conversation with the person in the cubicle next door.

140.) Follow somebody you don't talk to around every day and when they ask what you're doing, pretend that you are their best friend since birth, feigning offence when they tell you to lost.

141.) Acquire somebody's mobile number without them knowing and text them something creepy every five minutes. When they ask who you are don't tell them, just say you're their 'Number 1 Fan'.

142.) Sit next to somebody in a restaurant who you don't know and begin to eat their food away from them, talking in another language every time they tell you to stop.

143.) Go into your local library with a bunch of about 10 friends and put on some loud music and start dancing on the tables.

144.) Phone a taxi and when it gets there pretend you didn't phone it, say it was your imaginary friend who has just got into the taxi. Wave at them as they drive off, telling the taxi driver to 'make sure they get home safe!'.

145.) Get on a bus and hold up everone behind you by searching through your bag for 10 minutes for your bus pass. Then, stare creepily at the bus driver, wave and say 'I don't think I have my bus pass, but I know where you live...'

146.) Invite somebody to your house and when they turn up, open the door a crack, glare at them and say you don't know who they are or why they're here but they need to leave ASAP because the aliens are after you.

147.) Grab a random person on the street's arm and start screaming, 'Happy Birthday to you!' at the top of your voice, whilst dancing manically and inserting random names into the song.

148.) Point to an old man with a beard and shout, 'OMG everyone, it's Santa! He's back from the dead! You owe me cool presents from the last 3 years, Santa!'

149.) Invite people to different peoples houses and start up a massive party there without their or their parents consent, pretending that you live there and telling them to leave because they weren't invited.

150.) Pop up between two people who are talking, scream, 'Nobody cares' and run away madly, before turning and walking back normally, as though you didn't just do that.


A/N: I laughed so hard whilst writing some of these xD Hopefully you found them just as hilarious! Remember to vote, comment, follow and add to your reading lists if you're interested in more creepiness cx

Oh, and I have a question this chapter, if you were dared to do one of the things in this chapter, which would you rather it be and why? Mine would be #128 :D

Have a creepy day,


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