Chapter 6 : Crazy

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"Lynn!" Zeke yelled back.

Lynn closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. When she opened them back up she looked at her brother with soft, pleading eyes.

"Zeke, please. I don't want us to fight. Especially over something so silly." Lynn said sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

She held out her hand to him. Zeke eyed his sister. Lynn gave him a big smile.

"Just give the necklace back to me. And we can go back inside, get ready for school, and spend the whole rest of the day playing games with each other like we use too."

Zeke looked down at the necklace. He wanted that. For things to go back the way they use too. Slowly he started to hand over the necklace until he stop, netting her hand half way. He saw something spark in her eyes as she starred at the necklace in his hand. Something dark. Different. Scary.

"No. I'm not giving it back."

Zeke sighed pulling his hand back.

"This necklace is making you different. Can't you see? I'm doing what's best for you, Lynn."

Lynn smile lowered into a small smile, the edges of it twitching. She put her hand back down to her side. She starred up into her brothers eyes, narrowing hers in disbelief.


"If this necklace is 'something so silly', then you wouldn't mind if I let it sink into the bottom of the lake."

Lynn started to breath heavily, eyes wide as tears started trickling out of them. Zeke hated to see her cry. But she would get over it. Zeke turned to face the lake again when Lynn grabbed his arm lightly, the arm which held the necklace that was in his hand.

"Zeke don't! Please, don't throw it. It's very special to me!" Lynn pleaded as she eyed the necklace in worry.

Zeke ignored her, pulling his arm out of her grasp. He turned towards the lake.

"Zeke, think about this! Please! You'll get me in trouble!"

"You'll be fine." Zeke said.

He lifted his arm up half way when Lynn grabbed it again. Her grip a little more tighter.

"Stop! Don't you dare move that arm up again or you'll regret it."

There was a big warning in her words. But he ignored them and lifted his arm up with a little more force but suddenly stopped. Pain shot up his arm as he looked behind him. Lynn was squealing his arm, digging her nails into his flesh. Hard. Zeke let out a yell as he let the necklace drop out of his hands and onto the grass.

With a twist of her wrist Lynn sent her brother to the ground with a thud. She bend down to the ground to snatch the necklace when Zeke crawled over and grabbed her wrist. Growling, Lynn kicked her brother in his stomach. Zeke let's go of her rest, rolling onto his back in pain. Lynn pounces on him. Her hands go straight for his throat. She applies a little pressure.

"MOM, DAD HELP!!!MOMMY!!" Zeke yelled.


"LET GO!!"

"No." Lynn said with a smirk on her lips.

"You pushed me too far, brother. You stole from me! I tried to be nice. I gave you a chance, then I warned you."

Zeke kicked his legs from underneath her. His hands went up to hers trying to pull then off.

"You didn't listen." Lynn said in a singy voice.

"YOUR PSYCHO!!" Zeke yelled.

Lynn grip got tighter, and tighter. Zeke started to lose air. She took one of her hands away from his throat but still kept her tight grip. As Lynn lifted her hand, Zeke watched in horror as her nail grew longer, sharper. He closed his eyes. For a few seconds Lynn hesitated. But then she raised her hand higher before bringing it down.

Right as she was going to finish him big arms wrapped around her waist pulling her off of Zeke and in to the air. Lynn thrashed and clawed at the arms. Screaming in anger.

Zeke got up from the ground right as his mother came running towards him. Liz picked her son up in her arms, laying his head down on her shoulder. Hell Boy held the Lynn in his arms. Making sure she could get out of his grasp.

"LET ME GO!!! NOW!!" Lynn screamed.

"Calm down, Lynn! You aren't thinking right." Her father said softly.


"Liz, call Abe!" Hell boy yelled.

"What about Lynn?" Liz asked.

"I'm taking her downstairs into the cellar. Lock her down their until she gets her mind right. Don't forget to grab the necklace."

Hell boy started walking back to the house with his screaming daughter still in his arms. Liz watched them go. She had never seen her daughter act so mad, crazy. All because of a piece of jewelry. Zeke was sobbing quietly. He was scared. Terrified. Liz said soothing words to him as she bends down and grabs the necklace before walking back inside.

They won't be going to school for a while. Not until this problem was fixed.

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