Dani had started to stir and I was preparing the speech in my head when she opened her eyes and scowled at me.

"Where have you been Lola?! It's really late you know, you can't stay out like that and not tell us!" She had sat up and her face was full of anger.

"I was out with Harry." I swallowed.

She looked at me and smiled like Matty had.

"What did you do?"

"Just talked about him and his life story, about his life in LA and ex girlfriends." I looked up to see if I had hit a nerve, but she remained calm.

They both nodded and smiled at me, I could see that they wanted to tell me something.

"Why are you both looking at me like I've got shit on my shoulder?" I asked them, questioningly. Matty shook his head but laughed at me, he stood up and ruffled my hair.

"I'm going to bed, kiddos, I'll be up bright and early for my lift with Harry!" He laughed for a minute and paused, turning back around.

"Remember to wash your hair Lola, and please shave your legs, oh and wash all over this time. We don't want you bringing our street cred down with Mr Styles!" He winked at me and ran off so he wouldn't be hit by the pillow I threw at his head.

"You're such a bitch Matty!" I screamed after him, laughing.

I heard a mumble from the other side of the door.

"But you love me!" I nodded to myself as I made my way back to the kitchen to make some tea.

Dani had followed me and she was sat on the kitchen counter, staring at the floor.

"Lola.." She started.

I turned around and looked at her straight in the eye,

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I hope you know that we love you to bits and we are so happy that we're a family now and we would never want to see you get hurt. We're both so happy that Harry is in your life now, but please be careful, I really don't want to see you in anymore pain." She told me, her hand was rested on mine.

"He's left people before Lo, and he could do it again."

"We're not dating Dani, there's no need to be scared." I told her.

"I know Lola, I know, but that doesn't mean he won't hurt you. He did it to Naomi, remember?" She told me softly.

I put my mug down and turned around to face her. Naomi wasn't Harry's fault, it was her own fault. She ruined someone else's life and then decided to take her own because of it.

"Dani, Harry had nothing to do with Naomi killing herself, you know?" I tried to be soft but the anger was spilling out of me, Harry would never hurt someone, he was too broken himself.

"Of course he did, babe, he left her and she was so broken..." I wouldn't let her finish, I was so consumed by my own anger.

"Dani, Naomi isn't who you think she is." I started.

"What do you mean Lo?"

"She... Ugh... She, well." I didn't know how to say it.

"She was the one that slept with Liam whilst you were still dating." I looked down as I said it, I couldn't cope with seeing her cry again. I looked up from under my fringe and there was not one ounce of emotion in her face.

"How did you find out?" She asked, I was so shocked by her reaction I didn't know how to answer.

"Er, Harry told me. Please don't be annoyed at him Dani, he was just telling me how he's so misunderstood and it slipped out." I pleaded with her.

"I'm sorry." She sighed. She wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into me.

"I'm so sorry Lo, I should've been the one to tell you, I just thought with everything that's gone on in your life you wouldn't be interested in my stupid love life." She told me, defeated.

I propped her up and gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Dani, please don't apologise, it's fine. I understand why you didn't tell me, I just felt a bit disappointed that you never told me first. I'll always be interested in your love life, for as long as I live, I certainly wouldn't mind punching a few of the idiots that you've dated, you can do so much better Dani." I smiled at her and handed her my cup of tea.

"I love you Lola."

"And I love you too, Dani."

We hopped off the counter and snuggled in my bed together, we used to do this when I first moved here, I would get nightmares about my parents and she was always there to comfort me. But this time it was my turn to comfort her.

Harry's POV

Just as I had dropped her off I got a phone call from my mum. I hadn't spoken to her for 2 months and after my conversation with Lola, I couldn't wait to speak to mum about the new girl in my life. I sped off from Lola's so I could answer the call, I didn't mean to leave so quickly but I was so desperate to talk with mum.

I rang her back straight away.

"Hello stranger, long time, no speak!" She said cheerfully down the phone.

"Hi mum, I miss you." I told her straight away, my voice cracking towards the end.

"Well, I miss you too sunshine, how's it going with the tour?" I smiled at my nickname.

"It's all good thanks, I've made some new friends and everything!" I told her cheerfully.

"Aw that's good Haz, who are they? Gem says hello!"

"Her name's Lola, she's amazing mum, you'd love her! Hi Gem!" I shouted.

"Oh it's a girl?!" I heard the smirk in her voice and giggling from Gemma.

"Yeah, she's such an inspiration mum, she has cancer and she's been through hell and back but she's still got a smile on her face." I feel so proud that I know Lola, even if it's only been two days, I know that I need her in my life.

"So, when can we meet her?" Mum asked, chirpily. I smiled into the phone, this is a new start for me and maybe Lola was supposed to be my angel, sent from heaven. She's resurrected me from my old life and it's only been 48 hours.

Lola Jones. My angel.

Hope you enjoyed, I'll update next week! :)

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