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Simons pov

Alvin and Brittany have gotten away to eat pizza so I have to eat lunch with Theodore and Eleanor. Not that I don't like them, they are just so flirty with one another and always feed eachother with their sweets. Like I'm not even there, I mean have some respect.

-Simon, Should we get going? Theodore says to me as I stand in my locker.
I give him a happy smiling face and we keep going to the cafeteria.
Theodore takes a pizza slice and Eleanor takes a hamburger as we has taken our trays.

-A salad please, I say and she gives me some sloppy old and disgusting green thing on my plate. But I won't complain, I don't dare to eat that pizza with so much saturated fat and all those carbohydrates.
Just when I'm about to sit down, Jeanette walks into the cafeteria.
She is walking in with her two friends and they are all laughing.
She is wearing a little lilac skirt who ends on the middle of her thigh, a light purple tank top, who is a bit low cut and a silver necklace hanging around her neck.
Her earrings glitter and sparkle in the sun as she walks past a window.

-Who are you staring at? Theodore says and wakes me up from my daydreaming.

-What? I say confused and look over to Jeanette one last time to see if she noticed my staring. It doesn't seem like that.
Lucky me.
I turn around to see Eleanor and Theodore giggle.
Eleanor then leans over to whisper.
-I know you like her

I blush. Im not into her or anything, she is just smart and pretty..

Jeanette sits down with some girls and boys at a table far away from me. How embarrassing that I don't even have real friends to sit with.

After lunch, I go to my locker to grab my physics books and I can't help but notice that Jeanette is talking in the phone with someone. She is standing behind me.

-Hahaha, jacob! íll meet you in the library at four pm! Bye.

Who is Jacob. And the clock is 3.45! She will meet a boy in 15 minutes. My heart feels heavy, and I can't help but wonder what she is doing with him.

So the time is now 3.57, here I am, spying on Jeanette. Im not really spying, I'm studying in the library. Thought it would be a nice place, thats it.

I see Jeanette standing about 20 feet away, and she looks at me for a time, and then turning her head again. She is wearing a short skirt, that ends high up on her thighs and a checkered blouse.

After about ten minutes of waiting, she looks at me and then start to walk towards me. I get very nervous but don't do anything, I just look back at her.
-Hi Simon, uhm what are you reading? She says and flips her dark brown hair to the side and pulls her glasses up higher on the nose.

-Physics Specifically volume two, I say and she looks at me interested.

I hint at the sofa, and she takes a seat next to me. I look at her again, and she smiles. Her purple glossy lips shine in the sunlight from the window.
-Oh! I personally love literary books, like novels and stuff!

I can't help but smile. I can't help it.
She moves a bit closer to me, and I can see more of her legs. I get more nervous, and try to make myself look a bit less awkward.
It's not working.

-So, Who were you waiting for? I say and ten my head to see her response.
She makes a sad face but then changes it when she looks at me.

-Just a friend, but he didn't show up. It's okay tho, I'm here with you!

I smile big at her. Her hands are pale and her wrists are slim, with dark blue bracelets.
Her hands slide down her leg and suddenly touch mine. I don't think she realized, but I did. It goes like a big wave trough my whole body.
-Do you like physics? I could show you some more of my stuff at home tomorrow if you want? I say and feel my heart beating faster as I wait for a response.

She nods her head.
I stand up from the couch, and so did she. An awkward silence happens and I don't know what to say.
She leans forward and gives me a hug, I am feel her warm body touch mine, for just a moment.
Then she lets go.

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